Now, this blog is more of an art, craft and design blog than anything, but Penelope is just WAY too stinking cute not to write a Penelope update. She loves dancing. LOVES dancing. She's not like your typical 16 month old that may on occasion bob up and down when prompted to by first-time parents. She
dances. She has songs that she likes, and she only dances for the songs she likes.
She has fabulous taste in music. Her current favorite (and mine, too) is
Discovery's So Insane. She dances to it using her repertoire of: twirling, booty shaking, shoulder shrugging and foot stomping. Wonder where she's seen those moves? Maybe from a silly mom that likes to dance, maybe.

You might notice her chubby legs and fabulously large belly. I found an old ballet tutu from my first performance,
Allison in Wonderland, and enthusiastically changed her into the outfit hoping that it would fit. It does. The same tutu I wore when I was 5. FIVE!

I couldn't be more proud to see my little girl strutting her stuff in something that I thought was the cat's pajamas when I was five. And maybe even still at 24.

Here I am at five, during a little photo shoot with my dad. I loved that costume. I think it had something to do with the feather in the hair and the ruffles on the top. The bright blue can't be beat, either.