- Always credit your sources.
- Respect the reader.
- Keep it light.
- Blog with the right intentions, know what's important.
- Images, images, images!
- Find your place & own it. What makes you different?
- There is such a thing as blogging too much
- Be personal & approachable.
- Know what not to post about.

image via alt summit flickr page
I had an absolute blast teaching calligraphy at Alt! I had the hopes of getting a few pics of my own of the class, but alas I left my camera battery at home. HUGE BUMMER. Thankfully a few shots were taken by the Altitude Summit Photographer to document my experience. The class went incredibly well, despite my nervousness. See, the night before class I had a horrible nightmare that the class went poorly & everyone was saying awful things about it. I'm self conscious like that. Thankfully that nightmare (and the one about my water breaking during the conference) was never realized.• • •
Thrifty & Chic: Alt Summit Excursion
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As part of the Alt Summit festivities, there was a small group of us bloggers that went around Salt Lake for a little thrift shopping excursion. We had such a great time getting to know each other & talking shop. Everyone found great stuff and I'm sure many of the ladies were more than a bit frustrated trying to fit all their goodies in their luggage for the trek home. Again, I went with the intent to find a headboard, a chair, a sideboard and/or dresser. No such luck. I've got to get more aggressive on my hunt for these things. Time is ticking & I need to find at least a few of those items before Felix arrives. While I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, I did seem to find a few things I couldn't justify living without.

Penelope is showing off her favorite dance move: the plié.
No thrift shopping experience is complete without a glance through the little kid's section. I found a burbery look-a-like plaid jumper for Penelope for $3. It's SO darling on her! I really couldn't pass this one up. I love it. Have you found any good deals lately? Please Share! Last week's awesome thrift finds: Abby found the most adorable Crew Cuts sweater for $3 & Mary found a real vintage Burberry coat for $4!