Yesterday we invited Chris's brother & sister over for a little Sunday feast. We had a great time & the food turned out delicious. I made (with the help of Chris)
sticky ribs, a variation of this
tomato feta salad (no fresh toms, yet!), fresh corn on the cob, fresh-squeezed lemonade &
strawberry mango ice cream (just like the linked recipe, but fewer strawberries & chopped mango). If the weather had been cool enough we probably would've eaten outside, but it was too blasted hot.

I love my
ice cream maker. I've had it for a little over 2 years & I
still love it. It's so nice that I don't have to use ice or rock salt, so I can make ice cream/sorbet whenever I want. The only thing that sucks about it is I usually make too much ice cream liquid & as the ice cream sets, it expands & spills out the top. It can get pretty messy if I don't have a spoon & a hungry husband on hand.

Yesterday I thought I'd try something a little different. See, when the ice cream starts to overflow, it's partially set, perfect for making popsicles. I didn't have the time/desire to go out on a Sunday and get some popsicle forms, so I improvised. I snagged a bunch of cupcake liners & trimmed bamboo skewers to the appropriate length. I lined a tupperware with cupcake liners & spooned the half-set ice cream into each liner. Then, I stuck a bamboo skewer in each cupcake and put my popsicles in the freezer to set.
My crazy hair-brained idea worked! We have delicious deformed popsicles!! I have a few more ideas of different ways to do popsicles
without popsicle forms and still make them pretty, I think I might need to make some more ice cream pops soon.
How was your weekend? What's your favorite thing to make on a hot day?