Have you been following
Project Runway? I have! I'm super jealous that Denver peeps can watch the season finale with my Project Runway fave:
Mondo. He's the best! While I won't be bumping shoulders with my favorite designer, I will be with some of my favorite people. Susan's having a
Project Runway Season Finale party down in Provo. You should totally come. It's free, but pace is limited. R.S.V.P. via email to suezpetersenATgmailDOTcom if you're planning on coming. It's going to be awesomel!

Remember my awesome headboard from
my old dungeon of a room? Well, sadly it doesn't fit in our new place. Our bed is a queen & the king-sized headboard doesn't fit snugly in the bay window as I had hoped. I'm trying to sell it, and I've listed it for a steal of a deal: $35. Check out
the listing or
Contact me if you want it!

Also, remember the deal I got on my
Mid-Century Modern Urban Outfitters couch? Well, we're getting rid of it, too. It's perfect for an office or formal living room, but not quite right for cuddling up & watching Modern Family on. As much as I like it, it's got to go. It's in great condition & totally rad. It's listed for $250. Check out
the listing or
Contact me if you want it!