I found the most lovely no-sew, no-glue wreath tutorial online last week thanks to
twig & thistle's lovely wreath tutorial round-up. Most tutorials I find these days end up collecting dust in my delicious account these days, but not this one. It uses felt + ruffles, the two most trendy things on the crafty interwebs these days, so there was no denying it.
I added my own little pom pom mistletoe to the mix.

Sadly, I didn't find any felt colors that I was happy with, so I used some scraps from my favorite
Fabmo. Making the wreath wasn't hard at all, all it really took (besides the materials themselves) was a good hour+ of tv and a thimble. Not Bad, eh?

Giddy like a 12 year-old-girl is probably the best way to describe my post-project mood. After I hung up my festive little wreath I couldn't help but point out it's loveliness to Chris every 20 seconds. Thankfully I have a very indulgent husband who agreed with me.
You can find the fabulous tutorial at domestifluf.