More leather crafts! I truly can't get enough of this patent leather that I found at Tandy a month or so ago. The grey is just so pretty. I've made a couple of bracelets with it & I'm so excited to share the how-to with you! With this method you can make three different styles of the same thing & it's pretty darn interesting how different each one looks. Also, it's amazing how little leather/vinyl/felt this requires. Perfect for those semi-long scraps of material you have lying around the house.
• D O U B L E D - U P - B O W - B R A C E L E T •
• S U P P L I E S •
*A note on the leather, I buy mine at
Tandy. Of course I bought a whole hide (which you don't need for this project), but Tandy has scrap bins where you can easily find cool colored scraps big enough for this project. The scraps cost next to nothing to buy. You can buy leather at any craft store, too. Additionally, this craft would work tremendously with vegan materials such as vinyl or felt, although I'd suggest using a really thick felt if you're going to go that direction.
• D I R E C T I O N S •
Wrap the measuring tape around your wrist twice & mark measurement. Cut out your leather strip to be:
½ inch x (wrist measurement + 7 ½ inches)
One size fits most measurements: ½ x 20½ inches.

After you've cut your strip, mark discreet dotS 1 inch & 3 ½ inches from each end of the strip. Punch holes with your hole punch.

Variation 1: cross over strip so right sides are facing up (see above picture) line up the holes & set the snaps.
Variation 2: fold the strip so the right sides are facing each other. line up the holes & set snaps.
Variation 3: ignore the 1 inch hole & set snaps in the 3½ inch holes. Set snaps.
Be sure to line up your snaps before setting them as to not set your snaps in backwards. Once you've set your snaps, trim the ends with a little 45º angle notches.

Voila! Sport them on your wrist with pride! I think I'm most partial to variations 2 & 3. what about you? Click the download button below for the printable tutorial.
Here's how I wore it.

This tutorial is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without my consent. Altering the file NOT ALLOWED. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!