I'm obsessed with basil. Basil in sandwiches, on pizzas, mozzarella cheese, basically anything. Then there's
lemon basil. It's even lovelier, but I haven't been able to find a start anywhere (aka the grocery store, because I don't venture out much these days).

My mom gave me this lovely lemon basil plant like she was reading my mind. I've already harvested quite a bit from it and discovered my favorite of combinations. Lemon basil, strawberries and fresh cream. OH MY WORD. The lemon basil enhances the flavor of the strawberry 10 fold. It's the funniest thing.

I finely chopped basil and strawberries on French toast on Saturday and it was enjoyed by all. Even Penelope loved the leaves. So there you have it, the secret is out. Find yourself a lemon basil plant. Now.