Thrifty & Chic: A Quick Refashion
March 24, 2011I've got a gigantic pile of clothes in my studio I want to refashion. A pile that's been taunting me since before Felix was a twinkle in the eye. Aw yeah. It's time to get my refashion on. Big time. Most items (like the one below) just call for simple updates. This one I just trimmed a good 8 inches off the bottom & gave it a quick hem. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
I didn't take a before photo of this bad boy, but I didn't change much. You know how long skirts are in vogue right now? Well, it was too short to be one of those, but too bulky where it was at. It's still a pretty bulky skirt (at least I feel like it anyway), but the length is much more flattering now. Part of me thinks it'd look even better another 6 inches shorter than that, but that's not how I roll. It's got a nice elastic waistband in the back that eliminates the muffin top. I like. This skirt cost $4. This look? $74. Mostly because of the shoes. I splurged on the shoes. They were so worth it, though.
I'm still on the hunt for a dresser. Madeline found exactly what I wanted, but unfortunately the guy that was selling it had just loaded it into someone's car as I called. Big bummer. I've just got to keep the faith that the right dresser is out there for me. And headboard. I just know it. It took me a while to find the perfect man for me, but I did it. How hard would a dresser be?