Penelope the Leg Lamp
April 28, 2011I've been working on graphic design today (can't wait to share it with you!), so there's not much going on besides that. I have decided (thanks to all of your kind, but honest comments - they don't always go hand in hand so thank you!) to say goodbye to the living room lamp. If you want to rescue it from craft hell, it'll be waiting for you at the 45th South D.I.. But seriously- if you really want it, just email me. I'll let you have it for free. You just have to send me pictures of what you end up doing with it; whether it's shooting it with your 12 gauge shotgun, hog-tying it to the front of your truck as a hood ornament or actually rescuing it & making it look awesome.
Penelope had a great idea yesterday for repurposing the toilet paper shade - a LEG LAMP! How brilliant is that for a Halloween costume? Penelope always sports bare legs & my heels around the house as it is, so adding a lamp atop her head is perfect. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing when I discovered her in the living room wearing this shade. Who is this girl? How did she become so hilarious?!
I love Penelope.