A Few months ago, I told my mom what I want for my birthday (the one that's 6 months from now). I want her to help me plant a garden. She's a major green thumb. I grew up eating fruits and veggies straight off the vine. It's sure been an adjustment to find a taste for store-bought pears. Nothing compares to the real right-off-the-tree deal. Nothing.

This weekend, she got me set up with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, basil and mint. We've planted them in felt pots on our balcony, in case we move again soon. Which might be likely, based on our track record.
I also took the time to re-pot a few of the succulents I've had around the house. They were looking a bit drab.

My brother and sister-in-law gave us a beautiful ficus tree last Christmas.
It was gorgeous, but short-lived. It must have hated where it lived, because it died about 3 months later. I hung onto the pot with the plans to buy some succulents in its place. It sure is a pretty pot.

This morning, I finished potting my old and new succulents. I think they look rather nice all bunched together, no?