My friends' mother/mother-in-law passed away just about two months ago, and though I didn't know her, it really struck a chord with me. It was on that day that I met up with my sisters and my mom to go out to dinner. A rare treat, since my mom lives over 2,000 miles away.
During our visit, my mom asked us girls about her parenting; if she was good enough. Sure there were decisions she made that we didn't understand. Sure we didn't get along from time to time. She was there for us. For me. She's always been a big supporter of my creative endeavors (my dad, too). And as I drove home, my friends' loss hit me like a freight train.

I would be so lost without my mother. She is a prime example of a loving and industrious mother. Between chauffeuring me to ballet lessons, piano lessons, art lessons and school it was nothing short of astonishing how she completed her college education suma cum laude. She works so hard to support us.

There's no doubt in my mind that my friend had an equally incredible mother.
This quote personifies the strength that my friend's mother passed down to him, and it's been a real honor to get a glimpse of the kind of legacy she left behind.
What quote or mantra would you say your mother lived by?