2 People + 3lbs. Pulled Pork = 2 Weeks of Leftovers
June 17, 2008Only rarely do I overestimate how much we eat, and when I do, usually the leftovers are gone within the first 4 hours of being in the fridge. However, when it comes to slow-cooking pulled pork, that's a very different story. I guess it really was two weeks ago that I made Maegan's version of the Cafe Rio Sweet Pork recipe (which is FABulous, by the way). I had made it before, but I think I only cooked a pound or so, and it was gone really fast. So, this time, I made it with the three pound pork loin and instead of using Dr. Pepper, I decided I'd try Coca-cola instead. I don't know if the Coca-cola made any difference at all to the flavor, but it was right on.
The only thing missing was having my sisters and my mom here to enjoy it with me.