Our tomatoes have
finally started to ripen. It was agony to see the mounds and mounds of green fruit on those bushes for weeks, just waiting for the day they'd be ripe & ready to eat. I kept thinking,
tomorrow's the day! And inevitably tomorrow wasn't the day.

The pear tomatoes are as delicious & sweet as I remember. The red tomato just ripened today, so I'm definitely planning on making some sandwiches with it tonight. It was a TON of work to keep those tomato plants alive, but so worth it. It really makes me appreciate all of my mom's planning & hard work with the garden she kept when I was growing up. Gosh, she grew thornless blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, beans, peas, corn, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and cucumbers! We even had peach, pear, plum & apple trees at one point. There's nothing like fresh produce. MMm!

Right now I'm in full-on
Blogher mode; so from here on out posts might be a tad sporadic and a little heavy on the before & after refashion stuff. Hope you don't mind!