Since the whole breast-feeding thing failed miserably, we've been inundated with so many empty formula cans! Yes, we have recycling that comes every 2 weeks, so we can always dump them in there, but I almost feel like recycling should be the last resort. Up-cycling or repurposing is preferable.
Chris has been storing some old paintballs in some of the cans and maybe I was a little jealous of the utility, I wanted some for myself, but the labels on the cans are SO stinking ugly. Then it dawned on me, the cans are silver and you CAN take off the label (yeah, a little obvious, huh?). I think it took me a good 3 months to come to this simple realization. At about the same time, I realized that I have silver and white wallpaper, and the cans are silver!! BINGO! Cut, cut, tape, tape, about 2 seconds later I had some stylish cans to hold my make-up brushes, Penelope's bath toiletries, etc! Now I can't wait until Penelope finishes off a can so I can repurpose it.

AND. . . a couple of weeks ago when I went to open my fabulously glamorous makeup, the lid greeted me with a smiley face. I couldn't help but share. . .

Bare Essentuals is pure magic. I love it!