It's been nearly 7 months since we moved into our house, and I finally finished decorating the living room! Yahoo! Last week as I was hanging the remaining artwork on the walls I decided that our living room was severely lacking a cool, gaudy lamp. I hadn't been on
KSL longer than 15 minutes when I spotted
this gem. I was afraid Chris would be annoyed at the hideously awesome lamp, so I didn't call or email the guy about it. That night I showed the listing to Chris to gauge his interest. I was pleasantly surprised at his reaction:
me: So, I found this awesome ugly lamp on KSL. Wanna see it?
Chris: Sure.
me: See? Aren't the cherubs hilarious?
Chris: Woah! $15? Rad! So, when are you going to pick it up?
me: (shocked) Well, I haven't even called the guy. I thought you'd hate it.
Chris: What?!? No way, this is totally rad. You should get it.

Those may not have been his exact words, but I remember how shocked I was at his enthusiasm over the lamp. I didn't realize the lamp was over 4 feet tall until I went over to look at the thing. SCORE! It barely fit in the back of our Element. We also had to get a side table for the lamp, $8 and one thrift store later, I had it. Perfect. My living room is now 99% complete.

Also pictured:
My mom gave me the Mme. Alexander doll when my parents moved to NC. Turns out my mother-in-law has the same little Indian Mme Alexander doll. I think she's super cute.
The 4 books below the doll are a treasure of mine. I found these for 25¢ each at a
we're-bulldozing-this-school-so-everything-must-go sale. I thought their covers were really cool. When I took them home and flipped through them, I thought their out-dated styles were also really cool. When the series was blogged about on
a really cool design blog, and I knew I had found a sweet hidden treasure on that crazy sale day.
So, have you found anything on the cheap that you thought was just funky then it turned out to be even cooler than you thought? Do you like my gaudy lamp? I'll be posting pictures of the entire room soon, so you can see how well it goes with the room.