During Chris’s two and a half weeks of Christmas vacation, we spent our time redesigning a few blogs. We had a grand time working together & making the interwebs a tiny bit prettier. I’ll be sharing a finished project each week along with a design tip (or two) for a better blog.
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The Girl Who Wore Everything was another fantastic client to work with. She she wanted her blog to look more professional & convey her love for fashion (and sparkles!). Her blog was a fairly blank slate to work with, she didn't have any insane templates going on and she didn't want anything insane, either.

I liked the glasses she was wearing in the header the presence of white space in her old design. So I incorporated those two with more fashion-iconic typefaces, glitter and a more grown-up color palette and voila!

For the fonts I used Baskerville semibold italic and Open Sans Condensed Light. For the glitter, I made my own using
Pugly Pixel's &
Scrapbook Bytes photoshop glitter tutorials. I made an animated gif of the bloglovin button so the glitter actually sparkles (FUN!). Check out
The Girl Who Wore Everything to see the design in action.
There are so many fantastic resources for expanding your design knowledge. My favorites are: Nicole's Classes, Pugly Pixel, Lynda.com. There you can begin or expand on your knowledge of design-based programs like Illustrator & photoshop. All have been a fantastic resource for me as I have been trying to branch out of my very 2-dimensional design box. Go check them out.
I'm definitely speaking out of experience/mistake here, but as you do learn new tools for photo editing and design you don't need to use all of the tools all at the same time. I remember as I was learning photoshop my freshman year of college, I applied 4-10 filters to my projects and quickly realized that many of the tools offered in these programs are spices, not staples. In illustrator, I typically stick to 2-3 tools. In photoshop, it's about the same. This same principle applies to blogs as well. Keep it simple.
Do you have any favorite resources for expanding your design knowledge?