We had a great weekend! What did we do? I don't know - lots & lots of cuddling with the kids. I got some adorable pictures of Felix & Chris, I have to share with you. Chris just loves to play with Felix (and Penelope!), and there's nothing sweeter than to watch him be completely silly with them.

I was playing around with my white balance settings & showing him photos every once in a while. After I showed him the first set of pics, he said something about being bald & went back to playing with Felix. This time, he was singing a song - a song that he made up. Eu sou careca - I am bald. He's hilarious.
Little did he know, I was capturing his goofy moment on video. HA! That's the best part about having a DSLR with vid capabilities! He thought I was slowly framing my image, but I was recording every bit of that funny song of his.

It's been a really long time since I've shared pictures & info on baby Felix, I thought I'd share a few stats with you. He's a chunk-monster! AKA the Feli-monster. He's 20lbs (95th percentile), 28 inches long (off the charts for his age) & his head. . . oh his head is WAAAAAAAY off the charts. He's got the average size head of an 18 month old, which explains his difficulty sitting up. He still hasn't reached that mile marker yet. It's getting a bit frustrating that he still wobbles in his high-chair, but he's getting there and I'm more than happy for him to take his time. I'm just glad he's not like my younger sister was and walking at 7 1/2 months.
Also, this video makes my heart melt. I still need to remember to shoot horizontally when I'm in video mode, but you get the idea. He just lights up whenever I talk to him. Do you see that cute gaping smile at the end? He's got me wrapped around his tiny little finger.