Walking through the streets of San Francisco made me realize a couple of things: I live in a bubble (a happy one) and my clothes are boring. I'm a mom of two small kids. I'm lucky if I get my make-up on! But walking the streets of SF in even my handmade clothes made me realize that I often put together boring outfits. Even when I take the time to get ready.

To remedy this, I just need to make myself non-boring accessories. It'll at least help. I want to be cool like my friend
Mim, so I made a zippered purse/pouch
just like hers.

Not boring, but certainly not as creative since I copied her design. But I made it, so that's something. And I matched the leather and fabric together. Oh, the leather. . . Mmmmm. It's so soft. I wish you could feel it. Like butter.

It's a small bag, perfect for girls' nights and nights out with my man. I'm thinking this will be perfect for my upcoming Sewing Summit conference in September. I can't wait for Sewing Summit.

I'm excited about the leather details and the colorful print. It won't match everything in my wardrobe, but it will certainly add a pop of interesting to it.

I used legit top-stitch thread (and needle) for the first time. It looks so much more professional with that small detail.