I've been a little MIA from this blog recently, but haven't been resting on my laurels! I just finished up the branding/site redesign for fashion blogger, Taylor Sterling of
Sterling Style. She originally was just looking for someone to help her left justify her blog, but then we ended up rebranding a bit. I'm incredibly happy with how it turned out! I used a minimal color scheme, kept things pretty close to her original design & tweaked a few things to make it look a bit more consistent. And. . . what branding would be complete without a little Melissa calligraphy in there? I went for a mono-line stroke with the lettering on her blog & I think that does a great job of keeping things clean.
Head over there & check it out!

Every once in a while I have bloggers emailing me to redesign their graphics/branding & most of the time I'm completely swamped with other stuff. Seriously, could I add a few more hours to the day? It was really fun to be able to work with Taylor on her site. Go check out
Sterling Style for some sweet fashion.