Remember how excited I was when we got our torch? The trial brazes on copper were all so lousy. I did one of them. Disastrous. However, Chris has mastered the art of brazing [not that hard, apparently] and has made some serious progress on the bike. He's had one setback only because he ordered the wrong fork-ends for the rear triangle, but other than that, everything is awesome-o.

The bottom bracket has oxidized a little, but this shouldn't be too big a deal, since it's only on the surface. Chris will be sanding everything before he paints it. The bike is getting so close, it's actually looking like something.

Let's admire the handy-work. Chris is so cool.

While Chris has made some big progress, there's still so much to do before he'll be able to ride it. Until then, he'll just have to admire it.