I'm finishing up some wedding invitations today, which made me think I should repost this baby:
What Not to Font. This is always a fun topic to talk about, especially since this blog falls in the interesting gap between design & craft. So, here we go!

You'll want to read this
Good Look Cook Book post (or at least familiarize yourself with it). So what do you think? Should Zapfino die? What about Papyrus? Comic Sans?
Honestly, there are a few more I'd like to add to that list. I have no idea what the names of said fonts are, I just see them floating around on the interwebs. Rather than pointing & tsk-tsk ing those unnamed fonts, here are a few fonts that I'd love to see more of:
What fonts would you add to the "good" list? I'm no type aficionado, but I know what I like.
• U P D A T E •
Here are some more to add to the "good" list (thanks to your suggestions!):