So I serve at my church in the young adult program for girls 12-18. Over the weekend we had a special annual program focusing on the things that they have done to further their strength in core values and principles. To celebrate the women who have finished the value program, we as leaders gave them a couple of special gifts. I hand-lettered and framed "
I can do hard things." and made them each magic braided bracelets.

I used the template I made for my
magic braided bracelet tutorial, but lengthened the template times two. I used some blue leather I had on hand (also seen
here) and button studs. I liked how they turned out so much I made an extra for me. I can't wait to break it in. Wanna know the best way to break in a new leather bracelet? Shower with it on!

The blue is so pretty, I'm looking forward to pairing it with my recent jewel-toned finds.