Today I'm headed out to visit my folks in Charlotte, NC!! We'll be kicking it in Myrtle Beach for a few days, so maybe I'll get to work on my tan. Perhaps? I hear we'll just barely miss Hurricane Earl, but the folks in the Northern parts of the East Coast might not be so fortunate. I hope this one's not too bad.
While I'm gone with likely no internet access (a welcome break or torture, I'm not sure) I thought I'd host a little mini series! A few bloggers have agreed to share their proudest DIY moments with you & I am so excited to see what they share. I thought I'd kick off the series by sharing with you one of my proudest DIY moments.

While in college, I had the opportunity to take some 3D art electives. I loved these classes. I almost considered switching my major from painting & drawing to 3D media because I love it so much. While taking these classes, I had access to the studio with all the tools & awesomeness with it. It was great, but I really wanted tools of my own. See, when a million students use the same tool every year, it's not long before that tool is broken, mangled and/or crusted with mystery goo. I wanted my own tools. BADLY.
For my birthday that year I woke up at 6am, headed to Home Depot & bought a drill & a ton of bits. I was so excited to get this drill I also bought lumber & screws with it, too. Our apartment kitchen needed a stove-side table desperately & I was determined to make one with my new toy. Equipped only with my drill, bits & access to the junkiest mitre saw on the planet, I drafted up plans & made a simple table.

This table has had about 4 coats of paint on it. It started out black, then I wanted a different black, then I wanted white and then I finally settled for green. I also added wallpaper to the table top to make it interesting. It's great wallpaper.
I love this table. It's got a shelf. The legs are all the same length so it doesn't wobble (miraculously) & it's been from heck to breakfast over the last 6 years & still looks fabulous. I never knew this piece of furniture would last through all of my decorating phases & moves. I love this thing. I did it all by myself & I am proud of the end result.
I hope you'll enjoy this mini series! If you have a proud DIY moment, PLEASE share in the comments!! I'd love to hear about and see (link to it!) what you're most proud of making.