Sara Jensen of
Lost Bird Found sent me the most adorable pomegranate print fabric in the hopes that I'd make something fun out of it. I definitely though it was adorable when I saw it online, but when I got it in the mail I got a completely tipsy with delight. I love this fabric! I wasn't sure which to do first: a skirt for me or a dress for Penelope. Penelope's dress won. I'm pretty sure I have enough fabric left over to make a sweet skirt for me, so you might see more of this fabric really soon!

I had so much fun working with Sarah's fabric. The pattern is simple and sweet, printed on a light-weight cotton that is so easy to sew.

I finished the dress right in time for Penelope to wake up from her nap. I showed Penelope the finished dress and the first words out of her mouth were, "OOooOOO! Pretty!" Awww. Penelope! She just made my day. It melts my heart see her appreciate the things that I make for her.

Bows are the new ruffle, folks.
I'm serious.

Above is a detail of the back. I sewed two sets of buttons (the second set are hidden), so when she grows she can use the second set of buttons & wear the dress longer! The dress encloses using the two buttons and has an open back. I made some baby shorts in the pomegranate fabric (not pictured) so you don't see her cheesy Mickey Mouse diapers when she bends over. All in all I think this dress took me two hours to make. Not bad, considering I made the whole thing up as I went along!