This is a new thing for me: making things for boys. I actually dread making baby gifts for friends that I know are having boys. What to make?!? Now that I have my own boy, it's about time I get creative & make cool things for him.
My cousin-in-law knit the most beautiful blanket, sweaters & leg warmers (I'll be sharing later this week) and the lovely
Amy gave me a skull teether (I'm in love). Other than that, Felix doesn't have much of anything to call his own, yet. I've got to get cracking with little manly dolls & man-child outfits. I've got a few ideas for projects, but not many.

Top on my list of things to make for Felix are baby blankets. Felix is a pansy about being cold, so he has to be swaddled in as many blankets as possible in order to stay happy. So far the only blankets he uses (besides the one my cousin-in-law made) are all pink. He needs more manly blankets! I bought some flannel last week, but got around to making a blanket today. I used a plain off-white flannel & an orange & white plaid. I had originally planned on plainly sewing the two pieces together, but that's just not my style. I'm going to make these blankets as difficult on me as possible. I'm going to cut them up
and then sew them together.

I'm not a quilter. Not in the least, but I decided to experiment a little. Here's what I did:
- I washed & dried the fabric
- I matched up both front & back fabric, pattern-side up on the floor
- I cut matched up fabric into 4 strips
- I alternated the strips of fabric & sewed them back together in the order I cut them
- I ironed the seams on each side
- I placed two pieces right sides together, laid out on the floor & trimmed edges
- I sewed most of the way around, flipped right-side out & top-stitched around the edges

It was simple enough & took just over an hour to complete. I have plans to quilt the whole thing, but my plans were foiled by my sewing machine which has decided to go on strike. I've got to take it in to get fixed. Every sewing project takes about twice as long because my thread keeps breaking. BLERG.