No Man is an Island
May 30, 2011This weekend was awful & awesome all at the same time. Chris is in Canada hiking the Vancouver Island trail with his family (read: ZERO cell service for a week), the car won't start, it's raining cats & dogs & we ran out of formula on Sunday (the problem with buying bulk - I always think there's one can left). To add to all that stress, I had volunteered to teach a Sunday school lesson to 30 elementary-aged kiddos at church.
On Saturday I was planning on taking Penelope & Felix out to the movies for a kid date when the car wouldn't start. It's been a little sluggish lately, but this time the engine wouldn't even turn over. We sat in the car for probably 45 minutes, just praying that it would work & it was some silly thing that was keeping the car from starting. We gave up & went inside. Penelope was so upset that the car was broken. As was I. We ended up eating dinner while watching Pingu on Netflix; not the special night at the movies I had envisioned.
When I finally came to terms that I wouldn't be driving anywhere soon, I decided that Felix's car seat needed a little update. Of course, just after I took apart his old car seat cover I realized that he would need to use it to get to church. Crap. I stayed up until about 2am finishing the cover & prepping for church. Exhausting. I'm happy with the cover now - the orange biased tape & the herringbone plaid are much more my style than the previous cover. Why is there such a disconnect between car seat covers & cool designs? Now that the cover is done I really want to replace the webbing with either orange or brown & paint the plastic orange or brown. Do I dare? Probably not. I'll still probably make an attachable fabric blanket cover thingy - you know the ones that attach to the handle. I think a bolder pattern is in order, though.
Sunday went really well. We got rides to & from church, the kids were awesome for my lesson, my sister brought me more formula and my brother-in-law helped me with the car. The car still wouldn't start with a jump, so he connected it to a trickle charger & we'll just have to wait & see if that fixes the problem. Crazy thing, we just took it in for the 80,000 mile check up & there was NO mention of any battery/starter problems.
Long story longer, I was looking forward to some serious alone time during Chris's vacation. I was thinking that I'd be able to get so much done during nap time & bed time. While that's still a possibility, I've realized that this week will be impossible without the support of friends & family. It's been really hard not being able to talk to Chris, one thing I completely overlooked. Hello, Melissa! Hikes usually mean no cell service. I miss him terribly.
I can't help but think of all the wives (or husbands) of those serving in the Military. My hat goes off to you.