Ever since I found out I was having a boy, I've been on the look out for little handmade sweaters for Felix. My cousin-in-law has made a few for Felix, but can one ever have enough sweaters?!? No.
I don't remember which DI I found this at, but I do remember squealing with delight upon finding it! Handmade sweaters are paI LOVE the color combination and the pattern on the edges. I'm almost 100% sure that this is handmade, there are no tags identifying that it's not and you can see (if you look carefully) where the yarn starts & stops.
I scored this beauty for $2. Of course the baby was a little more than that. I love his smiley angry face. This little boy has me wrapped around his little fingers.
Have I mentioned that he's a chunk? Yesterday I had to take Penelope to the doc's office & we parked in the absolute worst place ever. I ended up carrying Felix in his carrier (nearly 30lbs combined) in one arm & Penelope (35 lbs) in the other for at least a quarter mile. Yeah, yeah, that's notthat far, BUT I was in semi-uncomfortable wedges hauling 60lbs of kid through gravel! It was enough to get me swearing. I have arm bruises from Felix's carrier to prove it.
SO, it's been a while since we've done a Thrifty & Chic. What great deals have you scored lately? Please share (with links!) in the comments! ALSOif you're lucky enough to be going to Sewing Summit in SLC this October, I'm heading up a special thrift shopping excursion for attendees. Come thrift shopping with me & score some sweet vintage/thrifty items from one-of-a-kind shops! Many of the stores we'll be hitting up will be offering attendees exclusive discounts. HOT. You going?!?