I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine started a little early on Friday morning at 3am when I woke up with the stomach flu. Penelope had had something a few days earlier, but she was up and running within minutes. I was flat on my back the entire day. So no blog posts, no iPhone case tutorial (yet!), just hours and hours of
Thankfully, I got over the flu by Saturday morning; just in time to pack my bags and cart Penelope off to Phoenix for the next week. Penelope and I are having a fabulous time in sunny-but-not-too-hot Phoenix. It's especially nice since the weather in Utah is schizophrenic. Yesterday
I wore first pair of sandals I've worn in months! It was so nice to sport some springy clothes!

My sister-in-law,
Shelley, wore such a fabulous outfit yesterday (as always), I'm featuring her for this week's
Thrifty & Chic column. Here's the breakdown of what she wore:
- headband: handmade, won at a church event
- top: retro handmade
- skirt: retro handmade
- shoes: hand-me-downs from mom
Firstly, can you believe she's a senior in high school? I just wish I had that kind of style savvy when I was in school. Shelley has confidence that all women would kill for. She's super adventurous, always makes the most genius ensembles and has the best eye for vintage/retro goods. She's so inspiring to me!
Secondly, the top and the skirt are handmade hand-me-downs from my mother-in-law, Linda. Aren't they awesome? I know Linda made the skirt in high school, but I think that she made the skirt sometime in her twenties. Both items are very well constructed, you wouldn't know it was handmade. Linda is awesome at sewing.
So, there you have it, a completely awesome outfit all for under $0 dollars. Amazing, right? What/who are your Thrifty & Chic inspirations?
Just a side note and a little shout out. . . I am so proud of this photo. SO PROUD. This is what came straight out of the camera! I made no corrections or adjustments, only cropping and resizing. Since taking Nicole's photography class and reading her book, I've gone ALL manual. I'm shooting with manual white balance, exposure and aperture and LOVING IT!