A Weekend Feast

November 18, 2008
I'm just getting busier and busier with every passing weekend. I am so thankful for all of the help I got last weekend. Chris was at a work retreat in Palm Springs, so I was flying solo with Penelope. I was a little frazzled at the thought of taking care of Penelope and cooking for a baby shower, and thankfully some really generous friends stepped in and helped with babysitting. I can't describe how endebted I am to their help. Seriously. I'm truly grateful for such sweet friends. I had a lot of fun "catering" (I hesitate to call it that, but I guess that's what it was) this last weekend for a friend. I was really happy with how all of the food tied together and of course, tasted!

I made Natalee's Curried Chicken and Squash Soup and Pesto Pea Salad (thanks, Leah, for the recipe!)

Spinach Dip and Bee's Lemonwater

and topped off the meal with a Custard-Style Cinnamon Ice Cream.

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Now that I survived last weekend, just two more months of busy weekends to go!