I've been in denial, I'm thinking, "Oh, Penelope's not like every baby, she's such a
GOOOOOOD baby. She'd never destroy
anything in the house or be silly enough to suck on plugs, or pull down furniture on top of herself!"
No, no. This week she's into everything: pulling down large lamp shades, trying to pull the enormous 3'x6' banners off the wall, crawling on top of our receiver, pulling out plugs. She's just so stinking busy! I'm loving it(and hating it), I'm just so amazed how quick she is for a girl that scoots on her enormous belly. That said, we need to get rid of our not-so-baby-friendly items. I thought I'd ask you, oh wonderful internets(and friends on the internets), if you're interested in a one-of-a-kind coffee table?

I made this coffee table a couple of years ago in a sculpture class, the table is made from 100% steel and the top is 100% glass (BPA free, folks!) and measures 36"x36"x15". Yes, I welded at one point. MIG. It was loads of fun and at times scary. This piece is one of the few items in our house to document that part of my life. I have loved this piece of furniture, but I can't keep Penelope from destroying it much longer. And, in the chance that she tries to destroy it, I don't want it to win.

Isn't this a beautiful coffee table? If you're in the Peninsula/San Fran Bay area and you're interested, send me a line by either commenting on this post or emailing me at islyblog[at]gmail.com.