We went to Provo today to visit with friends and family. I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic, seeing some old haunts (particularly
Diego's - YUM). While there, we ran across loads of yard sales which reminded me of the yard sale Chris and I had when we left the area over two years ago. Which
then reminded me of the window bench and coffee table that I so proudly made and sold at that yard sale.

This bench was made almost entirely out of windows from the house I lived in while single. Besides windows, I used plywood, foam, fabric and screws.

I thought this thing was so stinking awesome, but I couldn't bare the thought of moving it
all the way to California (it weighed close to a metric ton). Thankfully, it went to a good, loving home.

This was one of many of the projects that Chris and I embarked upon while we were dating. I knew that he was the man for me when he started to get excited about miscellaneous projects like this one. It's been a long time since we've started a project like this, pretty much a year and a half (
remember this one?). Now that we're in a house of our own I'm dying to work on some projects. And believe me, we have loads of projects that lie ahead.