Tai Pan Trading Ladies' Night
March 31, 2011This Saturday is what I like to call the "state-wide girls' night". So many stores offering deals & discounts to spend-thrift ladies! It's a great way to score some sweet deals & possibly come home with serious goodies. So, if you're in Utah, where are you going to spend your "state-wide girls' night"? My friend Jenni told me about a girls' night going on at Tai Pan Trading this Saturday at 6pm. Sweet, hu?
While I typically try to avoid any sort of travel this Saturday; I think I'm going to go. I need a night out and, I really want to gawk at their serving ware. I have it in my head that I want to update my cabinets to be a tad more cohesive. Their serving ware is awesome AND cheap. Wanna meet up there? I'll be there around 6-ish. Also, they're offering 25% off everything in their fashion section (aka their awesome purses and necklaces), a free pair of sunglasses with every $25 purchase, refreshments and giveaways! Click here to print the coupon. I hope to see you there.
Check out Tai Pan's Blog to see more of what they have & for more details about Friday & Saturday night.
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