It's been some time since I've posted any of my thrifty finds. Living on top of a mountain hasn't really lent itself towards impromptu thrift store excursions. Seriously it's been months since I've been anywhere to shop besides the grocery store!

I found these adorable fisherman sandals (I call them Jesus sandals, anyone else?) for $10 just outside of a great Mexican restaurant on Friday night. A couple of adorable women were closing up shop but stayed open for an extra 20 minutes so I could figure out what size to get for Felix. Of course the size they recommended was spot on.
I want to see Felix toddling around in these so bad! He's slowly taking steps between Chris and me, but he's still so far off from walking on his own. It's certainly a source of frustration, but I'll take every micro-milestone I can get.

I bought so much fabric and talked so much, I am utterly exhausted from my fabric shopping whirlwind weekend. Things have been really quiet around the blog front, but I've got a full week queued up already. And I can't wait to get my hands on the piles of fabric I just bought, you'll be seeing more than a few sewing projects around here, too.