The Studio
November 12, 2010I feel so grown up at our new place. Last week we parked the car in the garage for the first time. EVER. We've never had a garage to park our car into. I'm really excited about this now that winter is rearing his ugly head. I also now have my own studio. It's a dream come true to have a room where everything has a place (that's coming along) and I can shut the door. Now it's my own fault if Penelope gets into my calligraphy supplies.
The room is coming along. Last week it was an utter mess; it looked much like a hoarders disaster area. My mom kindly treated me to a little Ikea spluge for my birthday & now almost everything has its place. It's dreamy!! It's very functional at the moment, but not very pretty. Yet. I want to replace the nasty black rug, hang things on the walls & recover the nasty butterfly chair I inherited from my sister. I can't wait to show it to you! Here's a little sneak peek in the mean time.