I've been working on decorating Penelope's room for the last 5 months. UGH. Progress is slow especially when my most productive time is when Penelope is asleep in the room I want to work on. I'm so close to being done, I can smell it. Last night I spent about two (or was it three?) hours working on a pillow for her new rocking chair.

I found a really sweet
chevron pillow over at PB Teen that matched Penelope's color scheme perfectly, but I've already splurged on so many things for her room I couldn't justify spending $25 on a pillow cover. I know. I'm cheap. Instead, I made my own chevron pillow from fabric I already had. The pillow still wasn't cheap considering it took all of my mind grapes for 2-3 hours, but it was a fun experiment.
Susan directed me to two zigzag quilt patterns (
Anna Marie Horner &
A Quilt is Nice), but I definitely didn't want to cut out a million 2 inch squares, cut them again diagonally and
then sew them all together. I wanted small chevrons for my small pillow so the squares didn't make sense. Instead, I cut a bunch of diagonal strips & fudged my way to make my own chevron. It worked. I have SO much more respect for quilters now.

Penelope was so cute about this pillow this morning. She exclaimed, "MY Pee-YO!" as I was trying to photograph it. She did NOT want me touching it. Aw, I'm so glad she likes it!