Last Saturday, Chris, Penelope and I ventured up to SF to see his exhibit at the De Young. I was hoping that we would leave earlier that day; instead, we left around 1:30, got to the city around 2:30, and drove to the Legion of Honor, because the Chihuly website gave directions there. THEN, when we made our way to the real De Young Museum, we met up with my friend Dan (who's in the city for an internship), and waited until 5:00pm to get let in.
It was a long wait, but the payoff was spectacular. I was tickled when the museum security guy said that photography was allowed (sans flash)!! YAY. Chihuly's work is just so yummy, the colors so juicy, you want to eat it all up. Photographing it all was just as good. My favorite two installations were of the vintage fishing boats and the final piece, I forget the name but it looks like the candy fields straight out of Willy Wonka. Here are some of the photographs I managed to take of the exhibit. If anyone reading this has a chance to go, PLEASE GO! It's well worth the $15 ticket.
I thought it was SO cool how Chihuly made the glass look so much like woven baskets. From the last show I saw, this must be a new direction for him.
When we watched the video on how these were made, we noticed that the captions even included the cheap lounge background music. Chris, Dan and I had "Innocent sex kiss blows my mind" stuck in our heads for hours. Even as I write the song is plaguing me. We not only were tortured by the music, but also seeing the ridiculous lyrics. Blerg.
These forms are just magical for me.
I think this room was probably my favorite.
I couldn't help but post so many photos in this post, and if you want to see more, visit my Picasa Album here.
And now for your listening/watching pleasure. . .