3 years ago today, my life was forever changed for the better. Miss Penelope Pearl came into this world! I can't believe she's three years old now. It's just nutso. She's growing up really fast (although
when she smears poop all over her door, not fast enough). She's so fun to dance with, talk to, cuddle with & just be around in general. I wouldn't be nearly the person I am without her & her amazing spunk.

A few weeks ago,
Petite Lemon sent me this
adorable growth chart for Penelope & Felix (they will share a room at some point). They even printed it in the colors of my choice (that's my favorite). Penelope loves to point out all the different animals – the stegosaurus being her favorite. Did I mention she loves dinosaurs? I love the quality of their
canvas growth charts. Even though Penelope has ripped this thing off the wall too many times to count, you'd never notice by looking at it.

She has even gone so far as to crumple the thing up & the ink didn't crack or chip. Granted it's only a few weeks old, but Penelope has been one crazy girl recently. She destroyed her computer in a matter of minutes; she yanked all the keys off & broke the springs while doing so. Her nickname is destructor and it most certainly fits.Good luck & Happy Earth Day!