For a while now Chris has been considering switching up our entertainment system from projector to TV. I've held off on getting a TV just because they tend to take up so much space & always seem to be the focal point of a room. Meh. Whatever. I'm over it now.

While Chris has been scheming, he and I have been looking high & low for a solid wood sideboard to house the TV, speakers, receiver, etc. With our budget, we've not found anything in the range of decent. It's incredibly sad. If it looks nice, it's constructed of a veneered MDF. If it's solid wood, it's completely disgusting. A shame, no?

Naturally, making a console from scratch would be perfect in our new garage. I suggested that he check out
knock off wood for some inspiration, perhaps he could find a design that he could modify to his specs? He did. In fact, not only did he
find something, but he actually
made the console all while I was gone at Art Weekend on Saturday. I was so impressed to see a practically finished piece of furniture in our garage when I got home! I'm so proud of my husband.

Now that the woodglue has dried, we just have to finish sanding it & stain it. I'm thinking that'll be my task tonight while Chris sets up the TiVo for our new 50" plasma. Honestly I can't believe we just bought a TV that freaking big. Maybe we can get the TV set up in time to watch
Modern Family? Oh, that would be dreamy.