Handmade: Earth-Friendly Outfits

April 27, 2012
This post is brought to you by Baby Lock. Baby Lock is dedicated to the love of sewing by creating a full line of sewing machines all with ease-of-use, high quality and a touch of elegance. Connect with Baby Lock on Facebook and

This weeks challenge for Project Run and Play was to create an Earth Day look. We could recycle, use earth-friendly materials, etc. I went the recycling route and whipped up a mommy-daughter look. What Earth week look would be complete without a little green? I combined several greens for an eclectic look.
Materials used for this look: Penelope -
The two dresses I used to make Penelope's top were rescued from the donation pile. The dark teal top had knit binding that was falling off, so I unpicked the rest of it and added it as trim. I really like how the raw jersey edge rolls up and adds a new dimension to the bias tape look. the buttons were originally on the sleeves of the print dress/shirt. She's such a mini hipster with her skinny jeans and fake tatts. I used twin needles and topstitching for all of the finishing details. It really helps stabilize the stretch and add a polished look. The tank dress I used on the back panel was originally pieced together in asymmetrical lines, I thought I'd include those lines in with the back. I also gathered and lengthened the back. When Penelope runs around, it's like she has a cape on her back. SO freaking cute. Check out these little motorcycle jeans. They're so hot on her. She really likes her "knee pads". The ankle length skinnies and vintage oxfords are screaming to be discovered by the Sartorialist. This competition has been so intense. And I feel like I wouldn't be able to hang with the crowd if I didn't do something extra. Penelope's look is really quite simple (but hey Michael C. made it really far in Project runway and his designs were simple, right?). So I thought I would dig into my pile of "clothes to refashion/tailor/alter/etc" and made a coordinating outfit for me. I've had this bow top for a while, but I didn't really dig how bulky the bow was. I know. I MADE IT WITH MY OWN TUTORIAL. So I revamped it. And it's way better now. I'll share a new tutorial, if you'd like. ;) I also made this maternity top into a skirt. It wasn't really a maternity top, I got it from Ruche, but since I only ever wore it in the maternity context, I couldn't help but feel fat and pregnant every time I wore it. It's stupid, I know. That top was awesome. I really loved the print, and on a whim, Sarah convinced me that I needed to make it into a skirt. I love it a million times more, now. I also love the striped elastic waistband with it. It's an unexpected combo. I love unexpected combinations. Oh, sweet Penelope. I love you. I love that you let me dress you and make clothes for you. I love how excited you get over them. Please never change.

P.S. Thanks for all of your support with this project!

Fabric supplied by Fashion Fabrics Club. Connect with FFC on Facebook and Pinterest

Style: Summer Clothes

April 26, 2012
I love wearing light-weight skirts during the summer. Truth be told, I don't currently own a single pair of shorts. I definitely don't mind it being that way. This outfit was really easy. No make up, just lipstick and glasses.        

Procrastination & Anxiety

April 26, 2012
Yesterday was all about procrastinating finishing my Project Run & Play entry. I might be getting a little burned out by the competition. Or perhaps my disheveled house is catching up to me. Seriously, I believe I did 10 loads of laundry yesterday. The lighting was just perfect yesterday while I was working on this week's sewing project, I couldn't help but snap a few candids of Felix. He's really starting to move around a lot more. It was a fight to get him to stay in one place, but that's a problem I'm happy to have! He's been practically stationery until this last month. And he's 14 months old. Felix and I are working really hard at getting him up to speed and he's responding really well to the physical therapy. It wears us both out, but it's so exciting to see him growing. I can't help but worry that his delayed physical development is all my fault. I feel a lot of guilt surrounding his growth. I'm sure I'm not the only mother who has anxiety about this. I can't help but asking: Am I playing with him enough? Am I molly-coddling him too much or not enough? Is he getting the right nutrition he needs? Will he be an independent child as he grows older? Are my "extra-curricular" projects holding him back? Or is he just one of those kids who does things on his own timeline? Oh please, God, let it be the latter. I am one lucky mama to have my incredibly sweet, beautiful, healthy children; Penelope and Felix. I really do thank God every day for being blessed with them in our little family. I would be nothing without them.

Redesigned: Amish Friendship Bread

April 25, 2012
A neighbor of mine brought by a starter bag for Amish Friendship Bread a few days ago. I got a bag years ago, just after Chris and I got married, but totally forgot to bake it on the tenth day. I was determined this time to stay on top of it. I'm glad I did. I never bake bread, I'm horrible at it, but since this is more of a pound cake I gave it a go. Mmm! Mmm! Chris and I pounded down one of the loaves in a matter of minutes. One of the things about Amish Friendship bread, is it comes with a little instruction sheet that you're supposed to copy and send along with the starter bags. And . . . woops . . . I wrote all over my sheet before copying it off. My first thought was to white out the writing and then copy the instructions. Then my brain woke up: Why white-out on a sheet in order to save the comic sans instructions? Gross. I'm going to redesign it.  Now I'm sharing the download with you. I figure maybe some of you out there might be looking for a prettier handout with your bread starters. So here you go. Share with your friends. If you'd like to get started on your own Amish bread, you can find the instructions for making your own starter here.

Click the download button below for the printable Amish Friendship Bread handout. Enjoy!

This tutorial/freebie is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without the express consent of Melissa Esplin. I love getting shout outs from around the web, but please, link with love. Do not copy this post, publish more than 2 photos or outright steal this idea for commercial publications. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!  

Style: Scorcher

April 24, 2012
It was a serious scorcher on Sunday, but it didn't start out that way. I considered wearing a sweater out, but opted for a lightweight vintage scarf. Good choice, Mel.

How-To: Wrap Odd-Shaped Gifts

April 24, 2012
In keeping with my "keep it simple" approach to Penelope's birthday, I decorated the kitchen very sparsely. I hung the banner I made the birthday banner for Penelope's first birthday, added a white tablecloth to the table and wrapped her gifts in white butcher paper. The thing about kids' toys: they never come in a simple box. They're always in an annoying blister pack or odd-shaped rectangle. That was certainly the case with the gifts we gave her this year. I was just in such a hurry to get her gifts wrapped before she wandered into my bedroom, somehow I channeled my inner short cook and came up with a really simple and fast way to wrap her awkward-shaped gifts. I'm not sure about you, but I figured I'd share this technique in case it would come in handy for any of you. I think the gifts turned out quite nicely, considering their shape and the simple paper used. Click the link below for the whole tutorial (and video!).


This technique is pretty straight forward. You want to have your gift, wrapping paper, scissors and tape. I used decorative packing tape for mine. Washi tape would be fun, too.
  1. Cut your paper to size. Lay out your gift and cut it short on the horizontal, about 3-5 inches on either side. Make sure the side flaps come up and over your gift, covering about one fourth on either side.
  2. Fold in the sides. Crease the sides inward, so the folds don't overlap the edges as you wrap the gift.
  3. Fold the top edge.
  4. Fold the bottom edge.
  5. Wrap around to the front of the package and secure with tape.
  6. Address the taped edge, or turn over for a cleaner look.
Watch the video below to see how I do it in real time.

This tutorial/freebie is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without the express consent of Melissa Esplin. I love getting shout outs from around the web, but please, link with love. Do not copy this post, publish more than 2 photos or outright steal this idea for commercial publications. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!

Penelope's Simple Birthday

April 23, 2012
Penelope turned four yesterday. The girl is growing like a weed and it makes me feel SO OLD!! I had elaborate plans for a sweet library party for Penelope, but that did NOT happen. I swear I might have mono or something, because it's like pulling teeth trying to get out of bed before 10am (and no I'm not prego). I'm going to blame it on my stationary lifestyle for now. I think I will still do a big friend party for her, but sometime in May or June. It's not like Penelope really cares when the birthday party is, right? Have any of you done something like that before? I still wanted to make a big to do for her birthday, so we had a special dinner with presents and cake. The easiest and most delicious cake that I could think of to make was Texas Sheet Cake. It's my late grandmother's recipe. It's divine. Do you ever find that your most creative ideas come out of your laziness? I really didn't want to make a buttercream frosting for a sweet message on the cake, so I made the message out of mini marshmallows. I thought it turned out rather cute. I could see this being even more clever on an all-white cake. It's not like Penelope really cares about this type stuff at four years old, but that's just fine. It's still so surreal that she's four. She's a rad kid. I can't believe that she's ours. I love you, sweet Penelope!

Handmade: Sportswear for Pen

April 20, 2012
This post is brought to you by Baby Lock. Baby Lock is dedicated to the love of sewing by creating a full line of sewing machines all with ease-of-use, high quality and a touch of elegance. Connect with Baby Lock on Facebook and I just want to thank everyone for all of your support last week on Penelope's circle top outfit in Project Run & Play. I'm really happy to still be in the game for this week's challenge: sportswear. When I think about the things I make for penelope, I'm all about making practical items that she could wear on a daily basis, so naturally, the wheels were turning on overdrive for Miss P.

The inspiration for this look was something that Penelope's school teacher said some time ago: "Penelope is the girliest tomboy I know!" I made her a tomboy outfit with girlie touches for impact. I used two floral prints, one large and one small. They're not meant to match each other, but I feel like they coordinate really well.

I made a raglan top with the large floral on the sleeves and a cobalt ribbing for the neckline. I made the sleeves extra long and skinny at the wrist so bunch up nicely. I made little chambray shorts with a floral cuff using the small floral print. I made these shorts with a flat front and an elastic, gathered waistline in the back to allow for growth. The shorts are just the right size to allow for growth over the summer months. I top stitched all of the seams on Penelope's shorts, which gives it a nice finishing touch and reinforces those seams against all of the abuse they'll be enduring this year. She really loves her new shorts. A LOT. I had every intention to make her some sweet leather kicks for her ensemble, but the shoes ended up being more work than I could accomplish within the time frame. It has made me think that I should become BFFs with my local cobbler and learn everything I can about making cool kicks. Instead, I made her a little leather tote bag. This will be perfect for play dates, church and errands around town. I'm considering making her a matching wallet to store her "monies". This leather was a dream to work with. I had this cream leather on hand and I bought the blue leather for her shoes. I'm thinking the blue leather might make for a nice tote for me instead. I also made Penelope sweet little lace socks from a stretchy lace I found. They're long, so they can go well peeking out of her little boots or bunched up around her ankles. After seeing the competition in works last week, I thought this look wouldn't be complete without a little hair accessory. I braided the jersey used in her look and added a little knot at the top for a turban-ish look. How cute is Penelope? She's such a wiggly girl! She sure does love her new look.

Fabric supplied by Fashion Fabrics Club. Connect with FFC on Facebook and Pinterest

Style: Grey & Black & Fringe

April 18, 2012
Tuesday was really rainy and depressing, so I wore grey clothes to match. I made my necklace back in January and wear it ALL THE TIME. Maybe one of these years, I'll share the tutorial with you. Also, I've been letting my hair airdry these days. It usually has a ridiculous mind of its own, not knowing whether to be frizzy, straight or wavy. I'm liking what it did today, though. Outfit details:
  • necklace: handmade
  • dress: Shade
  • belt: vintage
  • shoes: Campo Grande, Brazil

Redesigned: Simply Modern Mom

April 18, 2012
I can't tell you how excited I am about this design. Chris keeps telling me that this is possibly the best site design I've done to date. Chris is great at boosting my ego. Fellow blog friend, Tiffany, approached me a few months ago to see if I could rebrand her site for her. Her previous branding wasn't bad, but it didn't really say anything about her personality or her style.

I modified her color scheme slightly by adding warm grey tones and a couple of pinker maroons in the mix. There's a lot more dimension than a typical monochromatic scheme. I had fun lettering items for her and I love how the lettering combines with the slab serif font used in her titles. I couldn't be more thrilled about how it all turned out. Check out Simply Modern Mom to see all of the little details. I'm not taking on any new freelance projects at the moment, but please check out the designers featured in the ad section of the sidebar. They're all incredibly talented and available for work.

Design Tip #7: Fonts, Fonts!

Most sites these days allow for Google Web Fonts or TypeKit. If you're unsure what these options are, you need to head over and check them out. Stat. It's nice having lots of options, but PLEASE choose wisely. Just because it's available to you, doesn't mean you have to use it in every instance. It's great to have custom fonts, but try to avoid using more than two (three MAX) on your blog. Having multiple fonts keeps your readers from understanding hierarchy of information and it's hard to read! Pick one font and stick to that. If you are going with one font, make sure it's readable. DO NOT USE SCRIPT OR HANDWRITTEN FONTS FOR PARAGRAPH TEXT. Can I emphasize that any more? Sans serif and serif fonts are the best for one font choice. If you're going with two different fonts, choose one font that will be your title font (this can be more ornate, but don't go crazy!) and one for your main text. Google Web Fonts allows for multiple views when looking for the right font, so you can see how readable your font is in a title instance and in a paragraph instance. Take advantage of that tool. Also, with web font accessibility, there's no reason to image your text. For wordpress users, get rid of your TTF titles plugin you downloaded  3 years ago and use web fonts! Your site will load faster and your site's SEO will thank you.  

Style: Sunday Best + News

April 17, 2012
In the past year and a half, I've been posting on a semi-regular basis to my fashion site. It's fun for me to look back at the outfits I have documented and get some inspiration when I feel like I have nothing to wear. It really all started when I wanted to document my non-maternity, maternity outfits while pregnant with Felix. It's a lot of fun, but after some thought, it's time I merge those posts with I Still Love You. I Still Love You will not become a fashion blog. It still remains a document of the things I love, my constant effort to stay creative and inspire others to do the same. Now it will include semi-regular style posts in addition to my regular content. This is what I wore to church on Sunday. It had been a while since I wore both the dress and the heels. Gosh, I think it was before Felix was a thought that I last wore those smokin shoes. I loved mixing patterns with this ensemble. Outfit Details:

Thrifty: Vintage Anchor Knit

April 16, 2012
I found this eeoons ago, but every time I sit down to sew something in my studio, I think of all of the sweet little baby things I could make with it. Am I getting baby hungry for another? Ummm. . . maybe? No, no, no. Nevermind. I just remembered how much I hated being pregnant. I enjoy breathing, seeing my toes and a waistline.

Freaky Friday

April 13, 2012
I threw on the most colorful clothes I have to mask my lack of motivation to look stylish today. Too bad you can't see the killer shoes I wore while running errands. And I changed up my background. This is much cleaner. Me likey. I still am nervous about getting the whitbalance consistent in all of my posts, but I guess it will push me to get better at my photography. sweater: ModBod, c/o ModBod top: thrifted + refashioned jeans: H&M  

Baby-Doll Circle Top

April 13, 2012

This post is brought to you by Baby Lock. Baby Lock is dedicated to the love of sewing by creating a full line of sewing machines all with ease-of-use, high quality and a touch of elegance.

Connect with Baby Lock on Facebook and

If you're here from Project Run & Play, Welcome! Read below for project details and inspiration. If not, please head over to Project Run and Play and vote for me! At least if you like the look I made for Penelope.


Our challenge this first week was to create our own version of Dana's Circle Skirt tutorial. I knew I wanted to go a little outside the box for this one, so I decided to incorporate the circle motif into a flouncy top. I also wanted this look to be girly, but comfortable for play. It's both of those things, Penelope had so much fun running around in this little outfit! See below for all of the little details.


My cousin-in-law gave me her old burgundy cardigan originally as an option for refashioning my wool coat way back when. I didn't end up using it for the refashion, but the color worked so perfectly with penelope's top I decided to refashion to Penelope's size. I added mis-matched buttons and created an asymmetrical button front. It sure is cute all buttoned up.


I drafted the bodice from a newborn onesie pattern (adjusting the size to fit Penelope was a tad tricky), so it would be easy for her to pull over her Esplin head without buttons or zips. I used a patterned sweater knit for the dress and left the edges raw, but reinforced the raw edges (neckline and hem) with double needles. I added grey chambray details to the waist and sleeves. I like that they're almost all on the same line so it reads as one long grey stripe across Penelope. The bow was a little sweet detail that I just couldn't resist. How adorable are little girls with bows?

The back has adjustable ties, and with the sizing of this top it will grow as Penelope does.


I drafted from a pair of her old leggings (using this method) using an interlocking knit in pink. The pink leggings with the teal top was much to sweet for my taste, so I dyed the leggings orange. I LOVE this color. It'll be perfect for any season. I considered for a moment to do an ombre, but ultimately I thought that I would, perhaps, be piling on too much. One thing I've learned from the real Project Runway was edit, edit, edit. This outfit was paired with her little grey booties from H&M that have little bows on the sides. How perfectly coordinated is she? We had a lot of fun modeling this outfit. I do hope you'll head over to Project Run and Play and vote for my entry!! Fabric supplied by Fashion Fabrics Club. Connect with FFC on Facebook and Pinterest  

Crafting with Children

April 12, 2012
I'm watching my friend's children today; they're six, seven and eight. They're also incredibly adorable how they dote on Felix and party with Penelope. This morning was a tad more chaotic than normal as I was still tying to finish my first look for project run and play. They were really good at steering clear of the new machine, but still eager to try their hands at sewing. We had a little impromtu crafting session, where I helped them each make little totes. Penelope was more interested in running around with the kids than sewing, so she didn't make one. It makes me wonder, when will my kids become interested in sewing? Ever? My interest didn't really start until I was in ninth grade, our school switched to uniforms and I wore pretty much the same thing every day.

Designed: Daydreams & Things

April 11, 2012
During Chris’s two and a half weeks of Christmas vacation, we spent our time redesigning a few blogs. We had a grand time working together & making the interwebs a tiny bit prettier. I’ll be sharing a finished project each week along with a design tip (or two) for a better blog. Working with Farra of Daydreams and Things way back in December was a real pleasure. She was looking for a design that related to her chic aesthetic, but read differently than a regular magazine-style fashion blog. It was fun to stretch myself in more of an editorial direction and I'm really happy with the result. The soft coral breaks up the black and white space nicely and the light blue accents add more dimension than a light grey. Farra is an aggregator of pretty inspiration, so I wanted the design to play more of a supporting role in her blog. We kept it simple, and I love how it turned out. It's been a while since I've shared a blog/design tip! Here's one that Chris and I have been talking a lot about recently:

• Design Tip #6: Content First, Design Second •

When I work on a design for someone, I encourage them to keep posting while I'm working on the design. I can't always see the new direction by old content or no content. As a designer, it's easier to see if I need to make in-post graphics for the client (i.e. before & after graphics, numbers for round ups, etc), if they already have content rolling. So my advice if you're just starting in the blogging world, get some posts up! Get at least a month's worth of posts completed, before seeking out a designer. If you don't want it to be out there in cyberspace just yet, at least write those posts out in word documents so you have something concrete to show your designer. What kind of tips would you like to read about here? Next week we will be talking Pinterest, FYI.

Art: Painting Again

April 10, 2012
You might not know from the content on this blog, but I got a BFA in painting and drawing nearly 5 years ago. I can't believe it's already been that long. It's also been that long since I've picked up the oil paints. Not long after I graduated college, I got pregnant with Penelope. I moved on to watercolor paints, because I love them, they're less toxic and are ultimately less mess. In the last year I haven't even done much watercolor either. I've pretty much stuck to lettering and all the other hobbies I blog about. I hate that. I never wanted to be the girl who didn't become a real "artist" after graduating with her BFA. It was always a big topic in my art school as it was about 80% women. Can an artist be a good mother? Can a mother even be an artist? I hated those discussions. It was like my art career was doomed because I was a woman and wanted a family. I try to be a good mother. I really try. But laundry never gets done, I rarely do the dishes and my children get bathed twice a week if they're lucky. More if they get really gross, but still. I try to have artistic/creative experiences, too. I'm not planning on showing at a gallery in SoHo anytime in the near future, nor do I want to for that matter. Often times I feel the "high art" of our generation is not home friendly or family friendly, for that matter. There are a couple of contemporary "high artists" that I really look up to and would love to meet someday. But I feel like that particular industry is not friendly to my old-fashioned values and views on beauty. This is why I love blogging. I can make it whatever I want it to be. And now I'm picking up my dusty oil paints.

Thrifty: Floral Jersey

April 6, 2012
I found this floral jersey some time ago, perhaps about a year ago, for about 50¢ a yard (a major steal), but I hadn't made anything until just recently. I wanted to make some progress on my project run and play outfits, but my fabric wasn't scheduled to arrive until Monday (it came today, yay!). So I prototyped one of the many pieces I'm making for the competition in this fabric. Unfortunately for Penelope, the pattern was much to small for her. Fortunately for our little neighbor, it fit her perfectly. I just adore how it turned out on her! I added pintuck detailing in the back and a high-low hemline to the bottom. It looks so sweet on her (especially with those super hip purple skinnies). She was such a cute little model, but a little bit more camera shy than Penelope. I think my camera might have traumatized her a bit, the poor girl. But I was able to snap enough pictures of the detail of the shirt, you get the jist. Now I need to make one for Penelope. Then maybe one for me. I think it turned out too darn cute. I also broke out the twin needles for this project. I'm not sure I'll be going back when it comes to using knits! I found out about the glories of twin needles from Make it and Love it. Do you use twin needles? Have you ever? It's so easy, but you'll feel so professional.

Gothic Spring

April 5, 2012
Feeling a tad goth today. I better take advantage of the freshly dyed hair and the pasty skin, no?

Thrifty Friend Fashion

April 4, 2012
One of my favorite people came over yesterday for a little lunch and hang out. Oh how I wish Sarah and I were neighbors!
  • Outfit details (me):
  • top: thrifted + refashioned
  • necklace and earrings: Tai Pan Trading (c/o)
  • blazer: handmade by my aunt and mom
  • belt: handmade by me
  • jeans: Forever 21 + refashioned
  • shoes: thrifted gift from Sarah
Sarah does the red lipstick so well, doesn't she? I'm jealous. Outfit details (Sarah):
  • top: thrifted
  • jeans: ?
  • shoes: Uptown Cheapskate
  • brooch: thrifted

Easter: DIY Grass and Surprises

April 4, 2012
Easter is just around the corner. I can't believe it's already here. Have you seen all of the fun things you can do to celebrate? I'll be including a list of a few of my favorites, below. One thing that I don't much care for about Easter is the fake plastic grass. YUCK. If you know me personally, you'll know that I have texture issues, and the texture of plastic grass drives me a little batty. The crinkle paper filler isn't my favorite, either, but I can't seem to find it in the colors I like or want. Also, I hardly ever have the right color on hand for anything. I do, however, have a lot of tissue paper always on hand. Instead of plastic Easter grass, I will be cutting up mounds of tissue paper. Buy your favorite print or color and cut small strips using a  paper cutter or simple scissors. Since it's grass, there's no need to worry about straight lines. Creating a large collection of Easter grass takes very little time. Promise. Last night I got together with a few friends and we made surprise Easter balls. I made one for Penelope and one for Felix. Felix is a bit too young for it, but I'm sure he might get a bit jealous seeing Penelope unwrapping her surprises all by herself. What are your plans on celebrating Easter with your kiddos? Below are some fantastic DIY projects for kiddos grown ups alike. 2010 Easter Basket2011 Easter BoxPrintable Bunny PuppetsSurprise BallsBunny BagsBunny Puppet

Refashioned: Denim Trousers

April 3, 2012
I think I may have perfected the skinny pant. I scored the above trouser denim at the thrift store for $4, just about 9-10 months ago. They're fantastic, but I can't quite do the trouser pant. I didn't look fat, but I felt fat when I wore them. So I never wore them. Do you have clothes like that? It doesn't matter how flattering the mirror says they are, they just don't feel right? It took me a while to get around to making them skinny, but once I sat down to do it, the alteration took me a few hours. For my first attempt, I laid my favorite pair of skinnies on top of the denim (similar to these), marked a line and sewed. They were much too tight. From there I decided to figure out the fit of one pant leg (perfection took several tries with the seam-ripper). After I achieved the perfect fit in one leg, I transfered the alteration to the other side using pattern paper. Each side turned out symmetrically and PERFECT! These are more of a cigarette pant, than a skinny pant. They have the perfect amount of give all the way down the pant, but not so much give that it adds bulk to my legs. These pants are my new mom jeans. They look nice, but they feel like pajamas. Victory!

Simple Style: Yellow. Floral.

April 3, 2012
Oh how this shirt makes me happy. top: thrifted + refashioned cardigan: Shade denim: Pac Sun shoes: Ruche

Tutorial: Photoshop a Tattoo

April 2, 2012
Hope you had a great April Fools' day yesterday! I totally got my mom with my tattoo post, and I'm pretty sure I gave her a full-fledged panic attack. We were chatting via skype and I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt. I made sure to hide my right underarm during the whole chat. I told her I needed to tell her something, but she needed to look at my blog first. She grabbed her tablet and started looking up my URL while I was chatting with my dad about things. I kept my eye on her the whole time, looking at her face change from curiosity to utter surprise, shock, and disappointment. My dad looked at it and immediately asked, "So, how did you do it?" "Photoshop." I lifted my arm on the screen to reveal no tattoo. I don't think my mom thought the fool was very funny. It looks like I fooled a few of you readers, too! I designed this tattoo for a friend of mine. I think it's the closest to what I would do if I were to get a tattoo. My friend had it done along her ribcage, and a lot smaller than how I did mine. I think it turned out super cool. Check out the video below to learn how I photoshopped the tattoo.

Designed: My First Tat

April 1, 2012
I've always wanted a tattoo. Seriously, there are a few that I've seen that are really cool, but I've never had the guts to do it. First, I never wanted to step foot in a tattoo parlor and second, I'm not sure what I'd design that I'd like on my body 3 months from now, let alone 30 years from now. I finally figured out what I wanted. It's a word that's followed me through my entire life, and will follow me forever: create. It was more than a little nerve wracking to get it done, and more than a tad painful, but nothing that would overshadow childbirth. It's now starting to heal, so it looks decent enough to show you all. I'm really happy how it turned out!