(James & Penelope are best friends - I took this sometime in 2009)
First, we named Penelope after a Pinback song. It's a sweet song about a fish. My cousin remixed the song & put it up for your listening pleasure right here. He's getting really good at the whole remix thing & this one sounds fabulous. He just joined Soft Science, a band out of Provo. They'll be performing at Velour tomorrow night, if you're wanting to support. We'll be there, too!(Isn't James' lettering beautiful?)
Second: as a follow up to my Recycled: Fonts post, I just wanted to give you a heads up about a FABULOUS type site: Lost Type. I can't remember how I found it - Pinterest, perhaps? But it's incredibly designed & curated; y'all should go & download every typeface they have available. It's the first pay-what-you-want Type Foundry, that offers gorgeous typefaces for the price you can afford. You can obviously download everything for free, but I encourage you to give these budding typists support, even if it's a couple of bucks!! All donations go directly to the artists. My favorites are: Quaver, Duke, Tommaso and Nelma. What are yours?engagement photos taken by my mother-in-law
We had been dating maybe three months when I was talking to him about finding roommates for the next year (my previous roommate situation blew up in my face). As I was thinking aloud, I told Chris I could room with his sister, Lindsay; she was cool. It was quiet. For a second, I thought: Well I guess he might not want me to live with his sister. Afterall, if we broke up that would be pretty awkward. Then Chris looked at me & said, "I was kind of hoping we could be roommates next year."Wedding photos taken by Sarah Faubus
Chris, I love you. Thanks for being my husband of five years. Let's make it another 65, mmk?iPhone• • •iPad• • •2560 x 1440• • •1680 x 1050• • •1440 x 900• • •1280 x 800
For you Illustrator/Photoshop users out there, isn't that saying SO TRUE? Just making this artwork proved the quote to be true. How post-modern of me. I made this using my own lettering layered over a blurred out photo that I took at Taliesin West a couple years ago. Back when I was first learning photoshop & illustrator I made a few desktop wallpapers, but I haven't really had the desire to do one until discovering The Fox Is Black's (formerly Kitsune Noir) desktop wallpaper project. You can find some AMAZING wallpapers (that make mine look like a preschooler did it) for your computer, iPad or iPhone or pretty much anything else you want. Click one of the above sizes to download the artwork. This wallpaper is free for personal, desktop/mobile device use only and should not be distributed or altered without my consent. If you would like to use this for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!You wanted to see a picture of my butt today, didn't you?
(I'm trying to be smiley, but LBH, I'm in a bad mood)
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I'm in Phoenix for the next couple of days visiting with family & would love to meet up with you if you're in the area! Camberley and I want to get together for lunch sometime Monday or Tuesday. Who's with us?! Anyone's welcome to join us, just leave a comment letting me know you're interested in coming & I'll email you the details.
Happy weekend!!
Today's recycled post comes from a bookbinding project I did in July of 2008. My sister's friend was getting married & her mom wanted me to bind a wedding sign-in book for the occasion. Her colors were pink & green. Jerre'a sent me the paper & fortunately it matched my green ostrich leather perfectly!
It's so funny how pictures of previous projects take me back in time. Right about this time 3 years ago, I was taking care of a 3 month old Penelope & teaching bookbinding & watercolor classes for the continuing education program in Redwood City, California. We were living in Menlo Park at the time. Our summer was full of hanging out with friends, kiting, beach going & SF touring. I miss those days, but I'm so happy to be where I am right now.
It's memories like those that make me realize how happy things are. I've been sort of up and down these last couple of days, so these reflections do me the world of good.
I have yet to fix the pleats on the front. One of these days.
TOTAL: $28
the girl in the second drawing totally has a grimace on her face.
I've been wanting to make this cover-up for some time, so I've been through a lot of design iterations in the process. Above are a couple of rough sketches from my sketchbook. I decided the cover-up would look less "home project-y" with a racerback than with a straight neckline & straps.I love that P & F are both looking at us like, "what? you do that still? Gross."
My suit is fabulous and fully-lined (as are all of their suits). I never have to adjust the bosoms & I feel perfectly covered & secure. The shorts are AH-mazing. Last year I was plotting to make my own high-waisted boy shorts, but that never happened. While these have yet to be high waisted (that would be such a fab option, next year perhaps?) they're the perfect length. They're longer than most boy shorts & cut off just below the most unflattering part of the leg. The waistband is incredibly comfortable & perfectly constructed. I honestly LOVE my suit. No need to hide behind a cover up in this baby. I still made one anyway, though. Like it? (I'll post better pics later) Penelope's suit is equally fabulous. The bottoms stay put as does the top. I love the orange & pink color combo! She loves wearing it, too.Lime Ricki Facebook • Lime Ricki Twitter • Lime Ricki Blog
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