Before & After: Butterfly Chair

November 30, 2010
It is finished!! I can't tell you how elated I am that I finally got around to recovering our nasty butterfly chair. My sister so kindly gifted this lovely chair to me when my parents moved & they were just going to donate it to D.I. or throw it out. Come on. I remember seeing a leather butterfly chair at Urban Outfitters for somewhere around $250, so naturally thought I'd better hold on to this chair - purple fuzz & all - because I may actually recover it in leather someday. I was incredibly tempted to do a hair-on calf skin, or some sort of antiqued leather, but I kept wussing out because I dreaded sewing the thing. Nearly a year later, I bought some rad striped fabric from Ikea & just did it! It didn't take me nearly as long to sew it as I had anticipated, but deconstructing the purple fuzzy cover for the pattern took 3 times as long as I thought it would. From start to finish, it took about 2 days worth of Penelope's naps (about 6-8 hours). Now, if I have to do it again, I'd venture it'd take me under two, since I now have the pattern already made. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I'm so excited to show you the results! I feel like it's much better constructed with much higher quality materials than the last cover, but for some reason, I just don't feel like Chris should sit in it (yet). Maybe it's because I don't trust my own craftsmanship. For now the legs are going to remain silver. I think it'd really pop with white legs (or perhaps bright yellow?!), but I'm not about to open up the garage & spray paint something in 20º weather. NO thanks. That'll be a job for next spring or summer. Here's what I spent for my chair makeover:
  • Ikea striped fabric: $5
  • black backing: leftover from a previous project, like $2-3?
  • The grand total: Somewhere around $7
NICE. That makes me happy. The best part about this chair is that it's perfect for my studio. It folds up tightly so I can have it out of the way, but if Penelope's hanging around while I'm crafting, or I need to take a little break, BOOM! I can just pull it out. I love the portability! So, what do you think? Do you like it?

You can purchase the butterfly chair pattern here.

Second Annual Thrift-a-thon

November 29, 2010
Last year about this time I gathered a group of my blogging friends & we bounced around the Salt Lake valley, hitting up a few of my favorite thrift stores. We had a BALL. I knew I needed to do it again, and I've been meaning to do it sooner, but alas. No time like the present, I guess. Last year was by invitation, so I thought this year it'd be fun to open it up to anyone interested! The plan is to hit up as many thrift stores in the short amount of time as possible. I've been culling a list of my faves (and some new ones I'd like to try), and we'll be bouncing around the city to those at different times. December 3rd, I'll be emailing the itinerary with a list of stores we're going to hit up, where we're going to meet up for lunch & when. If you can't come to all of it, no worries! It'll be a come & go as you please sort of affair. I do hope you can come!

NMO - Mixed Prints

November 27, 2010
  • jacket: ModBod, c/o ModBod
  • top: Shade, $10
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • leggings: Target, $3
  • boots: thrifted, $6
TOTAL: $20

Black Friday Giveaway *CLOSED*

November 26, 2010
Happy Black Friday!! I'm steering clear of all of the big box stores today, for fear of getting my eyes gouged out by eager shoppers. Instead I think I'll be doing some thrift and online shopping today. There are some great deals to be had on the interwebs this weekend! Last month, I introduced to you one of my sponsors, Apostrophy, an etsy shop all about zippered accessories. It's adorable. Well, Apostrophy would like to offer one lucky IS•LY reader a $20 gift certificate to the shop! This would be perfect for gift giving or just to keep!

I sure do like my little zippered headband!

Here's how to enter:

  • Visit Apostrophy & take a look around
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me what you'd do with a $20 gift card. Would you use it on yourself or someone else?
  • Comment by 11:59pm (MST) Wednesday, December 1, 2010
  • This contest is open for US residents only
  • Only one (1) comment per person
  • No purchase necessary
  • One (1) winner will be chosen via & announced Thursday, December 2, 2010
Good luck!!!

Welcome New Sponsors!

November 26, 2010
Please welcome IS•LY's latest sponsors! Here's a little bit about them that you might like to know:

:: Proud Mary ::

Proud Mary offers the raddest printed products that make you look & feel good. Their philosophy is all about "Design that solves problems". They offer pillows, napkins and clutches in a variety  of the sweetest patterns. Purchasing their fabric by the yard is also available!

:: Tiny Prints ::

You've heard me talk about them before. They've got loads of pre-designed photo cards for your holiday card sending. You'll be sure to have a hard time deciding on just one design.

:: Simply Utah ::

Simply Utah is all about showcasing local Utah businesses. Every day they showcase a new local Utah business with an exclusive discount, giveaway, or just a write-up on a new blog. They have an online directory of over 600 businesses & 200 blogs! Woah. Would you be interested in becoming a sponsor? Check out my advertising page for more info.

IS•LY Elsewhere

November 24, 2010
I failed to take pictures of my newly recovered butterfly chair before we headed out for Phoenix. Seriously, I can't wait to show it off, but that won't be until next week. I'm having a great time here in Phoenix, just playing & relaxing! We've missed out on the complete white out everyone has been freaking about in SLC. Gosh, they even closed the airports it was so bad. So glad I'm in 60º weather right now. I'm enjoying the break immensely and I plan on milking it for all it's worth. Which means nothing new around here for a few days. Here's where you can see me in the mean time:

:: Whatever Dee Dee wants :: I've posted a few of my Thanksgiving dress tips. Attend Thanksgiving in style & comfort this year!

:: Giverslog :: I've written about my favorite thing right now. Head over to read what it is (I don't want to spoil the surprise here)! It's the perfect gift for guys or girls.

:: Delightfully Engaged :: OH! And I almost forgot, give thanks this weekend by writing sweet Thank You postcards with my free "thank you" card printable, available at Delightfully engaged.

I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving!

Turns out the post on has disappeared. Download the Thank You Postcard printable directly by clicking the button below. All printables are subject to my terms of use: may be used for personal use only.


Thrifty & Chic: Italian Leather Boots

November 22, 2010
I think it was 6 years ago for Christmas, I asked for stylish black leather flat boots. My mom, dad & I searched HIGH & low for the perfect pair for the right price. Apparently flat stylish winter boots weren't in style at that time, because it took several weeks of diligent search before we found a pair that worked. Those boots have most certainly served me well over the years, but they're dying. It's so sad to see them go. This year I was hoping to find a pair of flat black leather boots before the snow started to fall. I was definitely willing to spend some decent money on a pair, especially if they'd last 6+ years. Well, I found my replacements. I shelled out many a pretty penny for them. Like 600 pennies. That's pennies, not dollars. Oh. My. Gosh. These boots are gorgeous in person. They're Italian leather boots with pristine leather soles. I'm not sure I've ever owned a pair of shoes so well constructed in my life! I haven't been able to go more than a day or two without wearing them since I bought them; they seem to match with everything & they're perfect for tired pregnant feet. Have you scored any good deals this week? Please share & leave links in the comments! I loved seeing what you shared last week. Amy Lou found a box full of vintage cameras, Michelle found 2 industrial cutting mats for $3, Erin found the raddest white lamp for $5 (I'm so jealous over it, btw), and Sarah found mustard yellow pumps & a striped skirt for uber cheap. Also, if you're interested, I started a new section on my blog that's all about fashion. Well, I really just started a new blog - I Still Love Fashion. I plan to post outfit pictures & details of my outfits on a regular basis. Right now I'm posting non-maternity maternity outfits - as I have yet to buy any "maternity" clothes so far.

White Balance Tutorial

November 19, 2010
I'm over at Good Look CookBook today sharing a little video tutorial on how to get the correct white balance in Photoshop.

Head on over to see the video!

Hope y'all have a great weekend. I'm headed for sunny, warm Phoenix tomorrow! YAHOO! I can't wait to share pictures of my new & improved butterfly chair with you Monday. It's looking SO much better than before. What are your weekend plans?

NMO - Soft Pink

November 18, 2010
  • earrings: thrifted, $.75
  • cardigan: DownEast Basics, $15
  • top: DownEast Basics, c/o DownEast Basics
  • jeggings: H&M, $15
  • shoes: thrifted, $3
TOTAL: $33.75  

Too Bad + Typography

November 17, 2010
Design*Sponge recently opened up a contest to design your own typeface and $500 + $150 gift card to veer were on the line. Of COURSE I was interested. So I submitted a couple of typefaces that I've been working on as of late: This script typeface is digitally drawn, inspired by calligraphy. This sans serif typeface is also digitally drawn, inspired by J. Crew ads. Unfortunately for me, neither of my designs made it to the final round, but I'm more than okay with it. I knew I didn't have much of a chance when I saw a preview of some of the submissions & read that there were over 400 entries. The top 30 designs have just blown me away and I'd love to have any of those in my font library. I'm just in awe of the creativity & design genius of the finalists! Check out the talent: round 1 finalistsround 2 finalistsround 3 finalists

Green & Gold

November 17, 2010
  • headband: Apostrophy Designs c/o Apostrophy designs
  • cardigan: DownEast Basics $15
  • top: thrifted/refashioned$6
  • belt: thrifted $10
  • jeggings: WalMart $12
  • boots: thrifted $6
Total: $47  

Thrifty & Chic: Wire Baskets

November 16, 2010
I've been on the hunt for good accessories & organizational containers for my studio with great success. I've been able to square away the bulk of my crafting supplies in Ikea's Expedit & wire basket units, but I want some pretty storage for the little things like string & receipts & small papers. While thrifting a week or two ago, I found this wire circular basket & thought it was pretty darn rad. As I wandered further down the aisle, I found this square one. As I wandered even further still, I found the flower one. Sweet! A collection of pretty wire baskets, all for 75¢ each. I'm pretty sure they're silver since a few of them are tarnished & have that silver look. I've considered cleaning them, but I'm much too lazy to go out & buy silver polish. Does anyone have any home remedies for polishing silver? I'm really excited about my little collection of wire baskets. I've put the circular one downstairs in our kitchen to catch the incoming mail & I'm keeping the other two in my studio for storing whatever I see fit. Have you found any good deals lately? Leave your links in the comments.

NMO - Prego Rockstar

November 16, 2010
  • scarf: hand-me-down
  • top: Forever21, $17
  • jeggings: H&M, $15
  • boots: thrifted, $6
TOTAL: $38  

Tiny Prints Giveaway *CLOSED*

November 15, 2010
Last year I bought a bunch of rad neon orange velum envelopes in the hopes of sending a holiday card out. I'm not one to really stick to the "only at Christmas" deadline, so I thought I'd do it after the holidays. January or February. Well, now it's November & the pile of orange envelopes are still in my stash without any signs of a greeting card nearby. I like to send out holiday cards that are different & unique from everyone else, but that definitely takes time & energy that's rarely seen these days. When Tiny Prints contacted me to see if I'd like to host a review & giveaway for their holiday cards, my first thought was do they have the option to make your own custom designs? No. They don't. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a tad disappointed. However, their wide variety of designs made me think that this might be better. I'd actually send out a holiday card if I didn't have to take the time to design it. I've actually done a few things through Tiny Prints before & their print quality is fantastic. I designed & printed the SocialLuxe Lounge posters through them & their blacks & solid colors (which can look awful) turned out gorgeous. Now that I don't have to worry about designing this year's greeting card, all I have to do is take our picture. Yikes. Two years ago, I dragged the whole famn damily to a skate park at 7 in the morning for family photos. I think I was on crack or something. Setting up the shot was awful. I had to use the timer & run between the camera & our pose every time I took a picture. I think I took 50 exhausting photos. This was the best one: This year wasn't nearly as stressful, thank heavens! Chris just bought me a wireless shutter remote and it made everything worlds easier. I just set that thing up & click. click. clicked away. It was much less traumatic than last time. Here's one of my favorite outtakes, I was teaching Penelope how to take the photos: Now that I have a few family pics to choose from, I have to choose which photo card to print. I'm having a hard time deciding. Will you help me? Tiny Prints has quite a few beautiful photo cards with hand-calligraphed or gorgeous script details on them. I'm a huge, huge fan which makes it so hard to pick just one design. Tiny Prints is offering one lucky IS•LY reader a $50 Tiny Prints gift certificate! Here's how you can enter:
  • Visit Tiny Prints & take a look around
  • Tell me which photocard I should get by submitting your opinion through the poll on the sidebar
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me you've submitted your opinion
  • Comment by 11:59pm (MST) Thursday, November 18, 2010
  • This contest is open for US residents only
  • Only one (1) comment per person
  • No purchase necessary
  • One (1) winner will be chosen via & announced Friday, November 19, 2010

NMO - Pink & Navy

November 15, 2010
  • top: H&M, $10
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • jeggings: WalMart, $12
  • shoes: thrifted DV, $4
TOTAL: $27  

The Studio

November 12, 2010
I feel so grown up at our new place. Last week we parked the car in the garage for the first time. EVER. We've never had a garage to park our car into. I'm really excited about this now that winter is rearing his ugly head. I also now have my own studio. It's a dream come true to have a room where everything has a place (that's coming along) and I can shut the door. Now it's my own fault if Penelope gets into my calligraphy supplies. The room is coming along. Last week it was an utter mess; it looked much like a hoarders disaster area. My mom kindly treated me to a little Ikea spluge for my birthday & now almost everything has its place. It's dreamy!! It's very functional at the moment, but not very pretty. Yet. I want to replace the nasty black rug, hang things on the walls & recover the nasty butterfly chair I inherited from my sister. I can't wait to show it to you! Here's a little sneak peek in the mean time.

NMO - Purple People Maker

November 12, 2010
  • necklace: handmade by my dad
  • necklace: Lisa Leonard, c/o Lisa Leonard
  • dress: DownEast Basics, c/o DownEast Basics
  • tights: Legxicon, c/o Legxicon
  • shoes: Aldo, $60
TOTAL: $60

Hand Calligraphed Names

November 11, 2010
Here's a little project I finished up last night. I'm really liking the idea of framing hand-calligraphed names up on the wall. I think I'm going to do all of our names & make a gallery wall using the paper frame idea that I saw on Design*Sponge earlier this week. If you're looking for someone to do something like this for you, I'm your gal. Use the contact form above to inquire about availability & pricing.

NMO - Pregnant Hipster

November 11, 2010
  • sweater: thrifted, $3
  • top: H&M, $10
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • jeggings: H&M, $15
  • boots: thrifted, $3
TOTAL: $32  

T&C: Taking Fashion Cues From a 4 Year Old

November 10, 2010
Back in February my friend Susan blogged about her daughters shoes. They're the sweetest little girl shoes and ever since I laid eyes on them, I've been on the hunt for the grown up version. It's been a long hunt I tell you. Nearly 9 months. It's the best feeling to have found them just in time for winter! Last Saturday night we headed over to our nearest thrift store to donate a pile of goodies we didn't need anymore. While we were there dropping everything off, I had the sudden urge to go inside & take a look around. Chris, lovingly obliged & waited in the car with Penelope. While I was frantically looking around for any organizational furniture/boys clothes I came across loads of sweet goodies, but I still needed to check out the shoes. It's not like I need more shoes. Straight to the boot section I went & BAM! We connected! My boots! My sweet boots that I've longingly been searching for! At first they looked really big. I thought they were perhaps a size 8 (in which case I totally would have bought them for Susan), but alas! They were a 7! They're leather, they fit, they're in perfect condition & best of all. . . they were $3. Can anyone beat $3 for new winter boots? I wasn't so sure how Chris would react to these shoes, but it looks like he likes them just as much as I do. They're great. Oh, and interestingly enough, I spotted the same boots on design*sponge today. What kind of deals have you found lately? Please share (feel free to include links!), I want to see!

Farewell Phosphates, HELLO Citric Acid!

November 9, 2010
Many of you live in states that have banned the use of phosphates in dishwashing detergents. I do! I had no idea the impact phosphates had on dishes & the environment until Chris pointed me to an interesting article published by my local news. See, I had been getting more than a little frustrated with our dishwasher at the time. So frustrated in fact, that I had stopped using the dishwasher all together & was washing dishes by hand. I just could NOT bear to touch another "clean" dish that felt like a chalkboard. Chalky dishes make me cry. I have texture issues. After reading the article about how the lack of phosphates result in chalky dishes, I immediately went over to my dishwasher & gave it a hug & apologized for swearing at it. Then I got mad that all of those scientists haven't figured out a way to replace phosphates. A couple of weeks later, I was surfing on the web & found a great article on Fresh Nest about the dilemma I've been facing & ways to avoid chalky, gross dishes! There were tons of great suggestions in the post & in the comments; I thought I'd give one commenter's suggestion a try – use powdered detergent + citric acid – since I just so happen to have citric acid on hand. Oh wow. I practically cry with delight every time I unload the dishwasher now. Our cups are clear, not frosty! Yahoo. Citric acid is the best. You can find it at culinary supply stores or pharmacies or natural food stores. I owe so much of my sanity to Deb & @thinkCara. Have you had the same issues as me? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night, too? If you're wanting to make your own dishwasher detergent, check out this fabulous recipe over at Sutton Grace!! She uses citric acid in her recipe!

NMO - Jewel Tones

November 7, 2010
  • scarf: thrifted, $2
  • top: H&M, $15
  • jacket: DownEast Basics, c/o DownEast Basics
  • denim: Forever 21, $15
  • shoes: Bass, gift
TOTAl: $32  

L Letterpress Giveaway *CLOSED*

November 5, 2010
I'm totally squealing with delight over this giveaway. Oh. My. Gosh. At Alt in January I had the awesome opportunity to see this machine in action & meet a couple of the lovely ladies behind the creative scenes. I've been drooling over it ever since.

images courtesy of Lifestyle Crafts

The L Letterpress machine is great. It's designed to deliver all of the awesomeness of a gigantic machine, but only use a small amount of precious square footage. Lifestyle crafts has come out with several collections of plates ranging from Holiday to everyday. Lifestyle crafts has even started a custom plate program to allow you to design your own plates for printing. How great would that be for business cards? Wedding invitations? Holiday greeting cards? Really, the list is endless. How would you like the chance to win one? Lifestyle crafts is offering one lucky IS•LY reader the following: That's over $280 worth of L letterpress awesomeness that I know all of you want. Here's how to enter:
  • Visit Lifestyle Crafts, check out their printing plates
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me what you'd like to do with the L.
  • Comment by 11:59pm (MST) Wednesday, November 10, 2010
  • This contest is open for US residents only
  • Only one (1) comment per person
  • No purchase necessary
  • One (1) winner will be chosen via & announced Thursday, November 11, 2010
Good luck!!

NMO - Silver

November 5, 2010
  • top: H&M, $40
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • cuff: Wet Seal, don't remember
  • leggings: Legxicon, c/o Legxicon
  • shoes: thrifted 9 West, $5
TOTAL: $46  

We R Memory Keepers Giveaway *CLOSED*

November 4, 2010
I'm no scrapbooker, but I'm slightly obsessed with scrapbooking supplies. I particularly love the papers. They're fabulous for cards, envelopes & pretty packaging. My good friend at We R Memory Keepers gave me loads of their new Merry January line & a bunch of other papers & tools to play with. I've had a lot of fun playing around with them. The other day I made a sweet little card for Chris & last night I wrapped a gift for a friend using the paper & the flocked lace tape. I'm loving the flocked lace tape. It's rad decorative tape. Perfect for pretty packaging! I decorated the edges of the name tag with WRM's corner chomper. I'm completely sold. This thing cuts through up to 7 layers of 100lb cardstock. It even cuts through binder's board. I have a hard enough time cutting binder's board with my rotary cutter, but the corner chompers cut through the board like butter. The corner chomper has guides for seeing where you're cutting and has a little catch box for the waste. The rubberized handles are very comfortable & easy for my small, weak hands to grip. WRM is offering IS•LY readers their chance to win the entire line of Merry January and one corner chomper of their choice! Any crafter & DIY lover will just love this stuff. Here's how to enter:
  • Visit We Are Memory Keepers, check out their corner chompers
  • Leave a comment on this post telling me which corner chomper you'd like
  • Comment by 11:59pm (MST) Sunday, November 7, 2010
  • This contest is open for US residents only
  • Only one (1) comment per person
  • No purchase necessary
  • One (1) winner will be chosen via & announced Monday, November 8, 2010

NMO - Polka Rock Star

November 4, 2010
  • headband: Forever21 $8
  • jacket: thrifted $6
  • top: Forever21 $17
  • bracelet: DownEast Basics c/o DownEast Basics
  • skirt: handmade$1
  • tights: Legxicon c/o Legxicon
  • shoes: Aldo $60
Total: $92

Sponsored: Handmade Envelopes

November 3, 2010

This post is brought to you by Scotch® Double Sided Tape Double Sided Tape. 

I love making my own envelopes. They're so much more fun than buying plain envelopes, as I can use any color/patterned paper I want. If you'd like to learn more about how to make your own envelopes & download a free template, check out my envelope printable here.

I recently got some new papers & goodies & I wanted to play around with them a bit, so I made an envelope & wrote Chris a little love note. Granted, the note is a bit feminine, but Chris appreciated it anyway. I could just use a glue stick for this sort of stuff, but double stick tape is my go-to for paper assembly. It's so easy, it never dries out - I think I have 15 dried out sticks of glue in my craft supplies, and a little goes a long way!

My Favorite Sticky Buns Recipe

November 3, 2010

This post is sponsored by Rhodes Rolls.

Gosh, nearly two months ago I was invited to a Rhodes Rolls blogger event where a bunch of us sassy ladies got together & dished while we learned about all the fun things we could do with their frozen bread. It was such a great time. I definitely learned a few new things about their dough: how to make a kaiser bun, how to make a flower sculpture & about Rhodes's no fault policy - if their dough doesn't work for you, they'll gladly replace it for free! I have yet to make a kaiser bun, but I feel pretty awesome knowing that I can. For me, Rhodes rolls reminds me of Sunday dinners, Christmas & birthdays. My mom started making sticky buns for Christmas (the most delicious dessert breakfast ever!) and now I make sticky buns for every birthday. They're SO caramely & delicious. You've got to try it, if you haven't yet! Here's my mom's recipe: Sticky Buns makes about 20 rolls (aka feeds 2 people ;))
  • 20 frozen rolls
  • 1 cube butter
  • 1/2 package butterscotch pudding mix (not instant)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • cinnamon, nutmeg & pecans
Spray bundt pan & drop in frozen rolls. Pour melted butter over rolls. Mix pudding, brown sugar, cinnamon & sprinkle over rolls. Sprinkle with pecans. Cover Loosely with foil, let stand 8 hours. Bake at 350º F for 25 minutes with foil on top. Remove foil & bake 5 more minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes. Invert onto plate & serve.

NMO - Wicked Witch of the West

November 3, 2010
  • earrings: thrifted, $1
  • dress: hand-me-down
  • tights: Legxicon, c/o Legxicon
  • shoes: Aldo, $60
TOTAL: $61  

NMO - Transitional Outfit

November 2, 2010
  • earrings: Payless, gift
  • top: ModBod, c/o ModBod
  • blazer: thrifted, $5
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • denim: PuraMania, $25
  • tights: Hanes, c/o Hanes
  • boots: Forever 21, $30
TOTAL: $61  

Thrifty & Chic: Halloween Costumes

November 1, 2010
It's been a while since I've done a Thrifty & Chic post!! Sheesh. This post should really be called thrifty & lazy, because this year's halloween costume was kind of put together lazily and at the last minute. Are you familiar with the Double Rainbow youtube video that has taken the whole world by storm? It's hilarious. If you're not familiar with it, stop right now & watch it before reading any further. Really. Chris has really taken to this double rainbow video. He's a tad obsessed with it, afterall, it's a hoot! Last month while I was contemplating the meaning of life & what it all means I had a brilliant idea. We would dress up as double rainbow for halloween! YES! I called Chris right then & told him. He loved the idea. So what I decided was that Penelope would be the single rainbow, I would be double rainbow & Chris would be triple rainbow (it turns into a triple rainbow towards the end). We would all wear every color of the rainbow & have matching t-shirts with our corresponding rainbow names + a quote from the video. Perfect. Well, I got lazy. I did the shirts. I made sure Penelope wore every color & I pretty much got every color, but Chris sure didn't. I thought I'd just call it good when he offered to wear his rainbow brite hoodie (another t&c item I need to share with you!) over his shirt. Meh, that works. I also had this grand plan to get a picture of us all in our rainbow amazingness, but alas, too much work. We ended up posing for a last-minute photo just before the sun went down. Not the grand reveal of the costume I had fantasized, but whatever. I'm over it. It's practically Christmas here anyway.

Penelope wouldn't take off her cousin's cowboy hat for the photo without screaming. Silly Pen!

On the plus side, we all have these rad shirts that I made (using heat transfer + my Silhouette cutter) & I didn't spend a fortune. Wanna know how much our lazy costume cost? $7. Total. Everything I used we already had on hand except for Chris's shirt ($4) and Penelope's rainbow pants ($2.80). Not bad. I'm really happy with how our shirts turned out. I'm definitely going to wear mine a TON. What did you do for Halloween? I'd love to see costume pics! Add your link in the comments.

Happy Birthday IS•LY!!

November 1, 2010
This week marks my blog's third birthday (and my 26th! Yikes!). I can't believe it's been three whole years since I started this thing. Looking back, I've grown a lot since I started & this blog has been one of the best things to ever happen to me (besides finding Chris & the arrival of Miss Penelope). I'm completely in love with blogging. It's the best! Readers and commenters make it even better. To thank you for hanging around here (or welcome you if you're new!), I've decided that I'm going to have a bloggy birthday giveaway week! All week long I'm going to be posting giveaways from various awesome companies. I'm really excited to share them with you. I hope you celebrate with me & enter all of them!








I Refuse to Wear Maternity

November 1, 2010
This post was brought to you by DownEast Basics.

  DownEast Basics gave me a great sweater jacket to review & I have to admit, I've worn it every day since I've bought it. It's made out of soft, hoodie-like material so it feels like I'm cozying up in my favorite hoodie, but it's considerably more polished. I'm particularly in love with the jewel tone of this coat. The product image on DownEast Basics' site looks more cobalt, but the actual color has more indigo in it. That made a huge difference to me. I love the deep blue in this jacket! Overall, I'm in love with this jacket. It's not the kind of jacket I would wear when it's below freezing outside, but it is surprisingly warm and perfect for this cooler fall weather. The fit is snug, so I would suggest going up a size if you plan on layering it with sweaters or cardigans underneath.