Bye Bye Gallery Wall

January 27, 2017
We're dealing with a little scope creep at our house at the moment. What started as a kitchen update, has turned into a full-scale kitchen gutting. Sad to say, I don't think I ever blogged this wall before we tore it down.  As our contractor tore down the cabinets on the other side of this half wall, the stability just went to crap. He told us he'd have to rebuild the wall. Understandable. Because... code. You know, it's kind of important.  But yesterday, as I came upstairs just after he tore down the old wall, I couldn't bare the thought of a new one going up. The open-ness is just too much. I need it. I need more light. I need more space. It's going to be amazing. But that means this gallery wall will only live on in the images captured. Well... and the artwork that once filled said wall. That, I still have. It's in boxes. And will, once again, find its way back to our walls.   Artists represented in this wall:  Me, Ashlee Mae, Penelope, Brittany Scott, Annie K Blake, Colt Bowden, Emily Adams, A collab between Brittany Watson Jeppson and me, Leslie Duke and Nic Annette Miller. All pieces I've collected over the course of 12 or so years.  I had my friend Eirene Henderson help me put the wall together. And by help, I just gave her boxes of artwork to choose from and she worked her gallery wall magic.  I scored this gorgeous bird from Leslie Duke on an Instagram sale. Super proud of this one.  This one is an Annie Blake original. I love the geometric figure.  I'm a bit sad that this wall is gone, but I'm very excited about what's to come. The whole upstairs is going to be so open and perfect for gathering with friends. Stay tuned!! 

Freebie: Printable Baby Shower Invitations

January 11, 2017
This post is sponsored by The Baby Cubby. Baby Cubby is the go-to for fantastic nursery and baby must-haves. The marketplace includes the best of indie designers and shop owners. Click here for the baby gift registry, click here for new mom resources.  Baby cubby isn't just for new moms. I stocked up for Junie for Christmas with all sorts of darling duds and tactile toys that leave her entertained for hours.  A friend of mine is expecting a baby, and all of us in the neighborhood are so excited for her!  I had fun designing these invitations, they're feminine, but the blues and pinks in the design still keep it open-ended.  This was the inspiration behind the invitations. I took this photo at my cousin's baby shower around 2 years ago. I love this bright and cheery combination. 


The download includes a fill-in-the-blank version and a design your own version that you can pull into word or any other editing software and add the text yourself. Invites are 5x7, and work with A7 envelopes, like these pretty teal ones. Printable and its contents are free for personal use only. Any alteration or distribution of the file (beyond adding your own text) without permission is prohibited. 

6 Tips for Hosting a Gift Exchange Party

January 11, 2017
As a last hurrah before we tore up our main floor, I threw a gift exchange party. It was a rather small group of friends, but just perfect. It's truly such a joy having some of my favorite people under one roof.  Since Christmas is a hectic time (for business owners and moms, especially), I threw it on the 28th. I also threw the party mid-day and provided childcare so my friends with little ones at home could still enjoy the party. It was easy to find a babysitter since the school kids were out that week, and I just had her party with the kids downstairs and keep them entertained with food and a movie.  I kept the party festivities rather simple. I used Paperless Post to send out the invites and manage RSVPs, but I think in the future I may try out Evite instead. I'm curious to see which one is better. I kept the food fairly simple and somewhat dietary-inclusive. My menu: 
  • Quinoa salad (Gluten-free with avocado, cilantro and chopped chicken on the side)
  • Bananas and oranges
  • Kale salad
  • Various herbal teas as a hot drink
  • Chipotle cheddar biscuits
  • Churros
It was a simple spread, but delicious. The churros were definitely the best part of the food situation.  I teamed up with San Diablo Churros. They catered the event and provided us with mini filled churros. We had dulce de leche, nutella and salted caramel. Each one was made fresh right there. That was the one special thing I wanted about the party. I feel like when it comes to planning a gathering, it's best to plan one thing you want to be perfect. Everything else is a bonus. Otherwise, I personally spend the whole time focusing on all the things that didn't go exactly as planned.  Tips for hosting a simple and fun holiday gift exchange: 
  • Use a digital invitation service
  • Plan it on a day when not a lot is going on (post holidays, is great)
  • Provide childcare during day-time hours so more friends can come
  • Keep the menu simple and ask for help! Get a friend or two to bring a dish, cater what you don't have time for
  • Introduce everyone, tell everyone your favorite characteristic about each guest (this is especially helpful if you're inviting friends from different circles)
  • Do White Elephant gift exchange rules. Stealing good gifts from each other is fun!
Have you hosted a holiday gift exchange before? What are your tips for hosting a good one?