Sewing: Leather and Cotton Zip Bag

July 30, 2013
Walking through the streets of San Francisco made me realize a couple of things: I live in a bubble (a happy one) and my clothes are boring. I'm a mom of two small kids. I'm lucky if I get my make-up on! But walking the streets of SF in even my handmade clothes made me realize that I often put together boring outfits. Even when I take the time to get ready. istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-7 To remedy this, I just need to make myself non-boring accessories. It'll at least help. I want to be cool like my friend Mim, so I made a zippered purse/pouch just like hers. istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-1 Not boring, but certainly not as creative since I copied her design. But I made it, so that's something. And I matched the leather and fabric together. Oh, the leather. . . Mmmmm. It's so soft. I wish you could feel it. Like butter. istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-2 It's a small bag, perfect for girls' nights and nights out with my man. I'm thinking this will be perfect for my upcoming Sewing Summit conference in September. I can't wait for Sewing Summit. istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-3 istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-5 I'm excited about the leather details and the colorful print. It won't match everything in my wardrobe, but it will certainly add a pop of interesting to it. istillloveyou-dearstella-zipper-leather-bag-6 I used legit top-stitch thread (and needle) for the first time. It looks so much more professional with that small detail.
Fabric provided by Kollabora and Dear Stella.

San Francisco Recap + Silhouette

July 29, 2013
I feel like I'm always recovering from some big adventure. This time it's San Francisco. istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-1 I can't describe the joy that overcame Chris and me when we drove over the Bay Bridge on our way into the city Monday morning. We both had a serious moment. I started to get all choked up. Last time we drove that stretch (west-bound), we were just coming up on our one-year anniversary. No kids, no cares. We were all starry-eyed at the prospect of living in an urban area and starting a new chapter with so many prospects. Then the economic crisis hit (it's still in full force, is it not?) and we left with our heads hung low. We vowed to come back. While we only came back for a short visit, it still felt like home. istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-2 The lovely folks at Seesaw graciously opened up their office space for me to hold a calligraphy workshop. We had a full house! I've acquired some new equipment that made teaching so much easier. I'm looking forward to teaching more workshops in the future. istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-7

Kaela, Me, Meghan

We had such a great time! I think the class went over by an hour or so. I just can't help myself when I get to meet such neat, creative people. I also got to meet for the first time some long-time blog friends (Katie and Kristin). I had too much fun, I forgot to take pictures. istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-3 This is a quick snap I took on the way to dropping Chris off at the starting point for his 30 mile run with friends. The countryside in La Honda is not to be missed. Chris and friends only made it 19 miles. Only.  istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-5 We did our fair share of eating tasty treats (creme brulee cart on Market and Sansome was one of my favorites). Unfortunately we didn't make the stop to Sprinkles Cupcakes or Tartine. Serious bummer, if you ask me. istillloveyou-calligraphy-sanfran-recap-6 But we did plenty of goofing and walking around the city. I found myself saying, "Don't touch that!" "Stay by me!" "Get out of there!" Way too much. Penelope isn't our little city companion like when she was an immobile baby. We still had so much fun. silhouette-promotion-40percentoff Now it's back to real life again! I'm always feeling so behind. I wanted to give this a proper post, but the below promotion ends on the 31st. All of Silhouette's add-on/extras are 40% off! Even if you don't have a machine, their products are really fun to use. Use code: MELISSA for the discount. july-promo-40-off-7-31 My favorite goodies are the printable tattoo paper, adhesive vinyl, and iron-on heat transfer. The machine is ideal, but no need! Scissors or a sharp exacto work well, too.

Designed: How to Write A Better Blog Post

July 25, 2013
My sister-in-law knows how to get stuff DONE. She edits. She writes. She actually writes very well. We were talking about how she needed to write a book. Three days later she sent me her book. how-to-write-a-better-blog-post-1 Seriously? It's amazing. Also, her tutorials (i.e. chapters) for writing a better blog post are pretty awesome. She gives me actionable items that I can actually use to make my writing better. It's not like I follow them all the time, you read this blog, but when I do I feel more confident about my writing. how-to-write-a-better-blog-post- I formatted, designed and added my two cents on formatting for blog posts. It's a must-not miss. The book is available for digital download in my shop. In other news, the calligraphy workshop was a hit! I'm hosting a second lecture-style workshop tomorrow at a friend's design office in Redwood City. For details and sign up, click here.

Draw It Sew It: Slouchy Hoodie

July 22, 2013
The slouchy hoodie won last week by a land-slide. Are turbans not cool anymore? I still want to make one, like a legit one. I've got the perfect light-weight white with black pin-dot scarf fabric for it. Constructing this hoodie was not terribly hard. I didn't use a very easy fabric, and now that I look at it, I would've done so many different things with the fit and finishing details. Live and learn, right? istillloveyou-sewing-slouchy-hoodie-1

Chris says I look like a Sith Lord. A girly one. 

I used my hand-drafted cardigan pattern, raised the rise of the neckline (to about a t-shirt height) and added a hoodie. The hoodie was pretty easy to draw out, I just measured the neckline and accommodated the seam allowance. If I do this again I will:
  • take the shoulder seam in
  • make the sleeves looser to create more of a bishop sleeve
  • draft a taller hood
  • finish the seams around the hood and the front with bias tape or twill tape for a cleaner finish
istillloveyou-sewing-slouchy-hoodie-2 I had just about a yard of fabric, fabric I scored while digging at Michael Levine loft (similar here and here) and I used every square inch. It's incredibly soft, but not too difficult to work with. I love the transparent stripes! This kind of hoodie is perfect for cool summer nights, and will get some great use in San Francisco! istillloveyou-sewing-slouchy-hoodie-3 We get our fair share of cool summer nights on top of our mountain. We always seem to have a breeze, and the cool canyon air seems to come our direction at night. It's marvelous. A lightweight hoodie like this is perfect for all of the cool nights and days we get here. istillloveyou-sewing-slouchy-hoodie-4 Outfit details: istillloveyou-sewing-slouchy-hoodie-5 I'm wondering what I should do next. Pants? A legit pair of pants are on my bucket list of things to master. Cobblery is too, but that'd be part of a completely different series.

Welcome To Our Home Free Printable

July 18, 2013

I'm over at One Good Thing by Jillee sharing a little printable for your door or entry way. I think this would make a great sign and jumping off point for theming a house-warming party. Bright, rich colors are so inviting to me. CLICK HERE for the printable.


If you're new here. . .

greetings-melissaesplin Welcome! Take a look around! You can subscribe through Feedly or add your email address to the subscribe widget on the left for email updates. (Sorry it looks ugly, I'll make it pretty soon.) I'll be back tomorrow to share with you a little number I made as part of my "Draw it, Sew It" series.

Tutorial: Getting the Most Out of Your Watercolors

July 17, 2013
It's been a while since I've busted out the paints. I love painting! Painting was my life before I had kids. istillloveyou-how-to-paint-with-watercolor-12 When talking to friends about my love for painting the conversation usually steers towards watercolor, "the most difficult paint medium"They're not as difficult as you may think. If you've got the right tools, you'll be surprised how forgiving the medium is. Periodically, I'd like to chime in here and there with a few tips on painting with watercolor. Let's start with the basic tools and how to get saturated tones. istillloveyou-how-to-paint-with-watercolor-2 You can buy yourself tubes or cakes of watercolor. Here I have Talens transparent watercolor set. They come in a nice travel-sized set. I use these most because they're so compact, pack up quickly and the pigments are great. I never know how much time I'm going to get to paint, so I have to be able to clean up at a moment's notice. I have a tube set with a giant palette, but I never use those. The palette takes up too much space (I typically paint in chaos, when there's not much clean desk space around). I like to have a variety of brushes as well. To start, you'll want a 4 round, 8 round (make sure they have sharp points) and a broad flat. The big ones get expensive really fast, but they're worth every penny. They'll last forever (mine are 10 years old and still going strong). I prefer synthetic brushes, but not everyone feels the same way. You'll want the best paper you can find. I prefer Arches rough watercolor paper, 140lbs or greater. Get the 300lb paper if you can afford it. It's SO much more forgiving and it feels so nice. You could also go for cold or hot press, I prefer the texture of rough watercolor paper. istillloveyou-how-to-paint-with-watercolor-3 You must get a giant jar of water. The above jar does alright, but I change it out every 30 minutes or so. If you can spare an ice cream bucket, get the bucket. And fill it with hot water. Don't forget the hot water. istillloveyou-how-to-paint-with-watercolor-4 For saturated tones, add a few generous drops of warm/hot water to each cake. Wait a minute or two before starting. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes. Your colors will dry brighter and your expensive brush will last longer. istillloveyou-how-to-paint-with-watercolor-7 See the above? The first was just done with a wet brush and dry pigment. The colors are muted. Granted, that works with the ceramic subject matter. But sometimes a subject needs more drama than Scandal, so I soak my pigments. And I love my drama. Stay tuned for more of these painting tips/tutorials. These things I learned during high school while taking private lessons from local artist, Harold Petersen. No one ever mentioned this stuff in college. Watercolor seemed to be the bastard medium in the paint department. post-separator Perhaps it's because I'm behind on everything, I didn't realize my friend Alison has a new watercolor series on her blog as well! Wow. Where have I been? I really try not to copy-cat what's out there. Of course, it's not like this blog is the only place you can get information and tutorials like this and it's not like everyone uses the same techniques or materials. I'm pinning my favorite watercolor tutorials and DIY inspiration over here. Check it out. There are some great resources out there if you're interested in learning.

Draw It Sew It: Chiffon Raglan Tee

July 13, 2013
This week the summer colors won out. Again, it seemed to be split almost down the middle. It was a tough decision, though. I couldn't decide which one I was rooting for. draw-it-sew-it-melissaesplin So I made both. I didn't initially intend on making both, it just happened that way. Just as I was cutting fabric, I realized that I didn't have enough pink fabric to make the top. BUMMER!!


I had some left over orange fabric from my circle dress so I was able to cut out a back piece from it. Good thing there's both orange and pink in the chiffon fabric! It was a pretty easy fix.


Do I feel a little shame for how this shirt inspiration came about? Yes. I'll tell you why. I've wanted to make a raglan tee for a long time. I think they'd be easier to sew than regular tee shirts (no inset sleeves, and I'm right on this point). I just have been either too lazy or too cheap to buy a pattern.

At church a few weeks ago, my neighbor was wearing a very cute raglan tee with chiffon shoulders. I loved how it looked on her; a bit slouchy but perfect for sunday dress. After I complimented her on how awesome she looked, she offered to let me borrow the shirt so I could copy the pattern. And copy I did. It's an American Eagle shirt that I straight up duped. I know, I know. Y'all can judge me. At least I'm not selling them. You can just buy them straight from the source.


There are a few details that AE didn't do on theirs - they didn't use a floral print and they didn't do my favorite curved hem. I love how curved hems hit my hips.


Unfortunately, both the pink and orange fabrics are pretty stiff, creating more of a boxy look for this top. Since I have a straight figure, I just don't think it flatters that much. I might try to take in the sides at some point, but I thought I would leave it as is for comparison sake.

Outfit Details:

  • necklace: Forever 21
  • top: handmade
  • bracelet: Wet Seal (eeons ago)
  • jeans: TJ Maxx
  • shoes: H&M


Because I made both. I used the same pattern here (although I did lengthen the sleeves just a bit on this one), just different fabric. This jersey has great drape.


I'm still undecided as to which one I like better. I think this one is a little more versatile and goes better with my coloring than the other one. I'm more of a fall personality anyway.


Make yourself a similar top! Raglan PatternDrapey JerseyPrint Chiffon Outfit Details:
  • cement earrings: c/o Ardor
  • top: handmade
  • bracelet: wet seal (eeyons ago)
  • pants: Target
  • shoes: thrifted (from Sarah)
@melissapher: What should I sew next? #fashion #style #sewing #diy
  If the decision isn't coming up for you, hit shift command (control) r to hard refresh, or click on the image to take you to the decision on Seesaw's website.

Calligraphy Workshop in San Francisco

July 10, 2013
I've been pretty busy with calligraphy lately; logos, event signage, presents for friends and a tattoo here and there. I've also been occupied by planning the next few live workshops. Next up: San Francisco! analog-digital-calligraphy-workshop-san-francisco-2013 I'll be in San Francisco the third week of July while Chris runs a 30-miler with a bunch of his friends. I'm sad it doesn't coincide with Alt SF, but I'm going to San Fran! My happy place! I'll be teaching a 2-part workshop focusing on digital and hand-written calligraphy. You can sign up for one workshop or both. Space is limited, so sign up soon! The 2-part workshop is back-to-back. If you'd like to participate in both sessions, there's an hour break for dinner and mingling at 6pm. Dinner is not included in the workshop price, but you can bring your own or order from the take-out menus provided. Part one will cover:
  • calligraphy tools and beginnings
  • learning the pointed pen
  • figuring out flourishes
  • making it your own
  • a basic calligraphy kit for you to keep
  • sign up here
Part two will cover:
  • tools for digitizing your work
  • how to scan your work
  • how to photoshop your lettering
  • how to vectorize your lettering
  • sign up here
Not in San Francisco? There’s always my online class! If you’re in the Phoenix or Denver areas keep on the lookout for a workshop near you this summer. I'm always open to suggestions for cities to visit. Make your suggestions here. istillloveyou-calligraphy-custom-everyday-im-hustlin Here's a little calligraphy piece I lettered for a friend. She's such a hard-worker and gets so much amazing things done, she needed a reminder of how awesome she is. istillloveyou-calligraphy-custom-lettered-cards-1 I sponsored a little giveaway at a barbecue I attended on Monday. I lettered 6 cards and their envelopes. istillloveyou-calligraphy-custom-lettered-cards-2 I think "Look at you go!" is probably my favorite. istillloveyou-calligraphy-custom-lettered-cards-3 Instead of just packaging the cards with plain envelopes, I put little "please deliver to" details on them. I also put stamps on each one so they're easy to send. istillloveyou-calligraphy-custom-lettered-cards-4 Kindly deliver to on the bottom right is my favorite. On another note: thanks for being so supportive of my need to scale back. It's looking like I'm scaling back even more to just two posts per week. I would love to post more, it's just so hard to get motivated to photograph and write it all out! I'm still pretty emotional, but I'm feeling much less stress these days.

Draw it Sew it: Swim Coverup/Dress

July 5, 2013
I am completely exhausted. Keeping up with work and blog posts means that I get about half the sleep I need to function and my house is a complete disaster. Over the last 5 years I've struggled on and off with anxiety and depression. I'm now managing it successfully without drugs, but I have to be aware of my triggers. The lack of sleep and falling behind on my to-do list is triggering my anxiety. For the next few weeks I'm going to be paring down to 3 posts a week rather than 4 or 5 mediocre ones. draw-it-sew-it-melissaesplin Last week's results were neck and neck, the subtle hemline winning out by 6% of the votes. Short it is! Thinking that this dress would be much easier to sew up than it was, I didn't really allot myself much time to make it. I started cutting around 9pm Wednesday night. Big mistake. istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-1 Turns out, this fabric is evil. It's cursed or something. I bought it from Michael Levine loft, it was in a crumpled mess, all wrinkled and kinked. I thought that was part of the design. Not the case. This fabric wrinkles easily and does not iron well. Naturally. It's a synthetic. Usually synthetics are slow to wrinkle though. istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-2 As I was cutting out this fabric, I was fighting to keep it from shifting around and kinking. While sewing, I was fighting to keep the edges lined up together. It was 3:30am before I threw in the towel and went to bed. I had everything done except for the ties, the button hole on the side and a little fit detail I needed to fix on the neckline. It was going to take me another 2 hours before I could call it complete. istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-3 I finally finished it today, spending about an hour just ironing out all those kinks. GAH, this stuff is annoying! On the bright side, I love the color and I love the drape. It flows really nicely as I walk around. I just need to remake this dress in a different fabric. A real silk perhaps?  It'd be a lot more expensive. I got this fabric for something like $3-4 for 5 yards. I used about 3 1/2 yards. istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-4 Drafting up a pattern for this dress was simple. I shortened the high-low on Megan Nielsen's cascade skirt and I used my basic scoop tee pattern (actually had to draft up a new version since I couldn't find my physical pattern anywhere) for the top. I needed a curved ruler in order to do this. Otherwise it was simple. istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-5 If you look really closely, you can see marks from the steam and my iron (it didn't burn or melt the dress, but it did make random marks in some spots). Outfit Details:
  • necklace: Ardor
  • dress: handmade
  • bangles: thrifted, gifts and c/o Apricot Lane
  • earrings: H&M
  • shoes: thrifted
istillloveyou-sewing-swim-coverup-6 I'm looking forward to wearing it to the pool. I also made it long enough so I can wear it out and about as a dress. I love how it turned out despite the nightmare of working with the material. I'll definitely make another one. Which combination of fabric should I choose for this raglan tee?

@melissapher: Which color scheme? #sewing #fashion #diy

No Solicitors, Please / July Promo

July 3, 2013
I'm a new affiliate blogger with Silhouette. Each month I will be posting something in concert with one of their promotions. You can use my code: MELISSA to take advantage of that deal. By using my code, you will get a deal and I will get affiliate kick-backs. I genuinely stand by this tool and I use it all the time! If you have any questions about the machine, supplies or how to get started, feel free to ask in the comments below. We get a lot of solicitors in our neighborhood. It's sort of strange since we live very much out of the way of anything. Maybe they like to target our community because there are just homes around us? I don't know. I've had a few incredibly pushy salesmen knock on my door recently, leaving me with a very icky feeling. silhouette-affiliate-no-solicitors-vinyl-decal-1 Since then I've put a "No Solicitors" blurb on the bottom of my chalkboard, but that doesn't even seem to help. I needed something a bit closer to eye level. I sketched up a few different ideas (thanks for chiming in on which was your favorite, I had a tough time deciding), digitized it and cut it with my new Cameo. silhouette-affiliate-no-solicitors-vinyl-decal-4 I could have made it bigger (I just got the new Cameo, it's enormous and even awesomer than my old SD that I loved so much), but I didn't want that message be the first thing that friends and family see when they knock on my door. It measures about 2 inches tall by 6 inches wide. Side note: this is as festive as I get around here. 3 glitter stars pinned to my coffee filter wreath. Boom. Done. silhouette-affiliate-no-solicitors-vinyl-decal-2 There was quite a response on Instagram requesting the sticker and a downloadable file. I've put those up for you. I have 9 stickers left for sale, you can purchase those here. The digital file can be purchased here. post-separator Silhouette has a great deal this month (discount good through July 10th)! If you don't have a Silhouette and are thinking about getting one, feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below. july-blogger-DE-promo You can get their portrait for $129.99 (which I think is a steal, but if you want to do anything on a bigger scale just go for the Cameo. Trust me, it rocks). If you already have a Silhouette cutter, you can get the designer edition software for half off. I've been using the designer edition for a week now, and I'd say it's worth it. I still design the bulk of my graphics in Illustrator, but I still found it more useful for cutting than the standard Studio software. You get more creative license with graphics (creating, erasing, scaling and shearing), you can cut with a wider range of files and you can easily create your own rhinestone patterns. If you don't have Illustrator, it's definitely worth the extra money. You can see all of the features for yourself here.

DIY Captain's Mirror Art Frame Tutorial

July 2, 2013
learn-calligraphy-online-banner Learn calligraphy online at You'll learn the basics of pointed pen, flourishing, addressing envelopes and developing your own style. The course comes complete with a beginner kit of supplies and personal coaching from calligraphy experts Melissa Esplin and Erika Paulsen. Click here to find out more. I love captain's mirrors. I'm not sure what it is, perhaps the rounded shape or the leather straps? Turns out they're really hot right now, there are loads of DIYs for them, too (hello Pinterest). istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-11 Here's my version that takes a spot of glue and some embroidery hoops. If you've got a belt that you don't wear anymore, you may already have everything you need on hand. These guys above are about 3 inches in diameter. Tiny art is so fun! I want to fill a whole wall with little art pieces like this. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-1 Supplies:
  • scissors
  • leather
  • pencil
  • embroidery hoops (2, the same size)
  • glue
  • q-tips
  • paper
Instructions after the jump! istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-2 Separate out your embroidery hoops, we're going to use the insides for this project. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-8 Place hoop on the paper and trace the outline. This will be the size of your artwork. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-3 Cut your leather to 1 inch wide and about 3-6 inches longer than the circumference of your embroidery hoop. Fold the leather in half and make a crease. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-4 Get out your glue and q-tips. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-5 Glue up half of the embroidery hoop. In the middle of the glue, match up the edge of your leather and hoop together. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-6 Then match up edges together. Press. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-7 Glue up half of the second embroidery hoop and place on the leather, matching up the edges together. Press. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-9 Place in your artwork. istillloveyou-leather-captainmirror-diy-10 Hang! It's crazy simple. You'll have a bunch whipped up in no-time flat.