- top: thrifted, $3
- belt: thrifted, $1
- denim: TJ Maxx, $15
- shoes: thrifted, $4
• • •
Since Melissa introduced me to blogging, I began to explore the "blog world" a little deeper and I found that it is a wonderful thing to share beautiful, personal art online. So, once my artsy sister, Becka, started her own blog, I jumped aboard with both feet. Now, after almost a year of craft-blogging, I can say that I find the free-sharing of creative ideas and projects more satisfying than ever!
My sister and I run a blog that fits well into the "creative living" category, posting about family recipes or DIY projects. However, our personal specialties are found in bedtime toys and tales (hence our blog title, Made by Bedtime tales). Becka likes to create cuddly, homemade stuffed animals and dolls. I love to capitalize on original stories and illustrations for my kids.
Our dream is to one day sell handmade, ornate, small wooden puppet stages that you can share with your children at bedtime. Until Becka and I get that dream up and running, however, we'd like to share with you a small, printable puppet stage pattern!
I've seen a number of online patterns for "green" doll houses made out of recycled cardboard boxes. Well, this is a similar idea here, only we've designed a way to make a puppet stage out of an old, empty kleenex box and some cardstock. This pattern comes with some printable puppets that attach to popsicle sticks and a funky ad-libs script for your own fun, family-night puppet show.
So, please enjoy the FREE printable pattern ;)
And thank you, Melissa, for all the years of free printables, tutorials and fun DIY projects!
This printable is free for personal use & should NOT be distributed or republished without consent. Altering files is NOT ALLOWED. If you'd like to use this for commercial purposes, please email Carrie.
Those are tennis balls on the legs of the chair. AND yes, they're awesome.
Yellow Pages Booster Seat Tutorial
Supplies:X ÷ 2 + 1 = WIDTH Y ÷ 2 + 1 = HEIGHT
Cut two squares using the above formula & cut a third rectangle at: HEIGHT x 4 inches.