Contagious, isn't it? My cheeks hurt terribly from smiling and laughing while editing the video. Maybe I should just play this thing every time Penelope gets on my nerves? Also, we can't seem to replicate this level of laughter even though we try and try. Brooke, can you teach us your secrets?!?
Dear Vivian,
If you ever want to see your dear dolphin (or platypus?) ever again; meet me at the park tomorrow at noon with my mom's green plates. OR ELSE!!Penelope the Destroyer
I'm definitely a monkey see, monkey do-type person and unfortunately Christmas break wasn't long enough for me to glean from my mother-in-law's mad knitting/crocheting skills. Fortunately, the books she gave me teach to the lowest common denominator.
Here's my first attempt at making something functional. A washcloth. Maybe I'll make a uniform square next time.
I've really enjoyed learning something new, and while crocheting is new to me, it somehow reminds me of elementary school where my friend, Michelle, and I would sit at recess making scarves and bags from a square loom. I hope I'm not that awkward anymore. Thanks, Michelle, for staying my friend through all my weirdness. Oh gosh... remember SNEILAs? Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Who knew washcloths could be so embarrassing?!?
The sun shone so brightly. It was perfect weather for play. So we went to Pottery Barn on that bright, January day.
We had a lot of fun going to see the Cat in the Hat on Saturday at the local Pottery Barn. Thanks Jane for initiating it.
We arrived just in time to see the Cat in the Hat make his big entrance, but had to stow our strollers and by the time we got back, there was a line spanning the store. We were all so bummed that the line materialized so quickly. The wait wasn't too bad, though. We were waiting in Pottery Barn for goodness sakes, there are cute things to look at/play with all over the place.
This video is a little hard for me to watch. It's somehow incredibly embarassing to hear myself saying "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!" a million times. My favorite part is when my tandem diver says "oh GROSS" in reaction of Chris and I swapping spit, then immediately follows it by a hang-loose sign and "SWEET!!". What a weirdo. Also, for your listening pleasure we cropped and re-edited the video to new music. Ratatat seems more fitting for skydiving than raver music.