Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Food: Airy and Rich Chocolate Frosting

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I’m over at the Rhodes Bread Blog sharing the worlds best chocolate butter with step-by-step photos. It’s so easy though, you’ll be wondering why I took all those step-by-step pictures.

Click here for the full recipe

Felix was so funny while I shot these pictures. He was like a lion stalking his prey. He crawled up to the tray so slowly and carefully, never taking his eyes off mine. I think he was pretty shocked I let him take this bite.

While making the frosting, Penelope got to lick a beater and Felix got the shaft. I knew he would make a huge mess, but I really should have stripped him down and let him go to town on the extra beater. Poor kid was so disappointed. I made it up to him after with a few heaping spoonfuls of the stuff. He definitely knows how to get his way.

Food: Hootenannies and Hot Chocolate


It dumped about 3 feet of snow in our neighborhood over the weekend. Over 24 hours, Chris and my brother-in-law shoveled our driveway 4 times. It sure makes me grateful we got a snow blower back in August. While they were outside clearing paths, I was inside making hibernation-worthy foods. I really don’t cook much, but when I go all-out I make sure everyone on Instagram knows about it. I had a few requests for recipes, so here they are.

Hootenannies are an old family favorite. We have them yearly for our Thanksgiving sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa Newton’s, and I make them whenever I need to warm up the house in the morning. The recipe is so easy, you’ll have it memorized in no time.

Hootenannies (or German Pancakes)

Serves 4-6

  • 1/4 cup butter*
  • 1 cup milk
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup flour

Preheat your oven to 425F. While preheating place your 9×13 pan (I use metal) with butter in the oven. Blend milk, eggs and flour in a blender. Once butter is melted, pour the batter into the pan and back in the oven. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until the sides are browned and puffy. It’s always fun to get Penelope to help me take the hootenannies out of the oven, the batter gets HUGE and deflates as it cools. Serve with cream and syrup. I served mine with buttermilk caramel syrup using this recipe. It was divine.

When Chris and I traveled to Brazil 5 years ago, we were in Iguaçu Falls in May and it was freezing!! No one down there ever turned on the heat and since we were just backpacking through the country, we didn’t have room to buy or pack socks and sweaters. I was cold to the bone. We walked past a little cafe one night and enjoyed the best hot chocolate I had ever had. It was melted chocolate that coated my entire insides and warmed me up instantly. Later, I found a place in Salt Lake that delivers the same kind of gourmand experience: Hatch Family Chocolates. Starbucks’s caramel hot chocolate tastes like hot water compared to Hatch’s. Problem is, I can’t make the 40 minute drive whenever I’m feeling a chill and chocolate craving coming on. So I made up my own recipe. This is for dark hot chocolate, but you can lighten it up by adding more milk.

Dark Hot Chocolate (the REAL stuff)

serves 2-4

  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder, dutch process is best
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tbs butter
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon OR chipotle chili powder (optional)

The biggest mistake people make when cooking hot chocolate form scratch, is not melting the chocolate properly. It takes a little bit longer this way, but the texture is smooth and amazing. Melt butter and heat milk in a small sauce pan over med-high heat. Turn down heat to medium and add sugar and cocoa. Constantly stir with a wooden spoon until smooth. This will create a thick syrup. Once it’s perfectly smooth, add milk a few tablespoons at a time until incorporated. I usually have a cluster of tasting spoons to test the flavor and temperature. I’ve usually added about 2 cups of milk by the time I’m done, then I continue to stir it until it’s hot enough. Add flavorings and serve. Do not let it sit on the stove or get too hot, or else a milky film will form on the top. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

If you happen to have GOOD chocolate on hand, I use about a 1/2 a bag of Guittard/Ghirardelli’s dark chips instead of cocoa sugar and butter.

Food: Roasted Red Pepper Hummus


Seriously, last night I made up one of the tastiest dinners we’ve had in some time. Like mouth-watering tasty. I couldn’t get enough of this good stuff in my belly fast enough. In my head it seemed like it would taste good. And it did.

I made roasted red pepper hummus open-faced sandwiches. And we polished them off in a matter of minutes. Here’s how to make them in under 15 minutes.

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

  • 1 15 oz. can chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
  • 1/4 c. tahini sauce
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • 1 t. minced garlic (or 1-2 cloves of garlic)
  • 1/2 bunch flat parsley
  • 1 roasted red pepper
  • 1/2 t. mrs. dash chipotle seasoning
  • salt & pepper, to taste

Heat up a pan super hot (I used the panini press). Flay your red pepper(s) and blacken. Drop all of the above ingredients into a food processor. Blend until smooth. Makes about 2 1/2 cups of hummus.

For the tasty sandwiches above, heat up a panini press and grill shredded parmesan onto bread. Top the cheese bread with hummus, avocado and roasted chicken.

You’ll want to make one of these babies asap. Trust me.

Food: Butter Pecan Cookies & Salted Chocolate Frosting


I’ve been thinking about this combination for some time now. I love butter pecan anything and dark chocolate anything, so I imagined the combination would be delicious.

And it is. So good.

Butter Pecan Cookies & Salted Chocolate Frosting

makes about 26 cookies

  • 1 butter pecan cake mix (I used Betty Crocker)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup oil (half oil/half applesauce is ideal)
  • 1/3 cup flour
In a large bowl, mix above ingredients together. The dough will be really soft and gooey. Spoon small portions of dough into a shallow bowl of granulated sugar and cocoa. Coat evenly and place 2-3 inches apart on a lined or greased cookie sheet. Bake cookies at 350 degrees F for 8 minutes. The cookies will be soft, so allow to cool on the pan for a couple of minutes before moving onto a cookie sheet. Allow to cool completely before frosting.
  • 5 T butter
  • 1/2 cup cocoa (dutch process is the bomb)
  • 1/2 cup whipped cream
  • 1/2-1 cup powdered sugar
  • dash salt
In a double broiler, melt butter and chocolate until smooth, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat. In a new bowl, combine melted cocoa, whipped cream, powdered sugar and salt. Mix on medium speed until combined and smooth.

Then just like that, watch them disappear. Hope you enjoy!

Food: Stroop Waffles

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I learned what a stroop waffle was this last Valentine’s day. OH MY, those things are heaven! If you’ve never had one, you must give this recipe a try.

I’m over at the Rhodes Bread Blog sharing how to make stroop waffles with little more than a panini press and Rhodes rolls.

Click here for the full recipe.

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