Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Penelope’s Birthday Party Part I


Phew! It’s over!

I really wanted to make a big deal out of Penelope’s birthday this year. I’ve never planned a party for a little one before, so it was definitely new territory for me. I had a lot of fun being creative, but it was SO MUCH WORK. I see why most parents only do parties every other year, or so for kids. I’m still exhausted. GEEZ.

Penelope’s invitation took hours and hours to put together. Mostly it took so long because I was a loser and didn’t read the Silhouette manual on how to cut vinyl. Yeah. I figured it out after 8 hours of trying. Not kidding. Turns out Silhouette’s FAQ’s are really helpful. Go read the manual, then go read all of the FAQ’s. You’ll thank me later.

I also wasted hours and hours on brain-dead printers. At first, I wanted to avoid printing at FedEx Office because they’re expensive and slightly annoying. I thought printing at the local UPS store would be smart. Worst idea, ever! First, it took the ladies 3 days (THREE DAYS!) to print 10 color copies on card stock. Seriously? Second, the colors were not even close to what I had designed. Third, the employees were annoying and told me that colors always come out different than the computer screen. Yeah, always is right if you have a crappy printer and don’t know how to use it.

By the time I gave up on printing at the UPS store, I was in a bind and needed the files printed ASAP. I headed over to the FedEx Office down the street thinking they’d get the job done fast. NOPE. After an annoying conversation with the employee there, I left. UGH. I sat in the car with my iPhone (hallelujah for the 3GS) calling around different print companies to see what they could do on such short notice. I remember DownEast had done some printing with Documart just downtown so I called them. I explained the type of print job I needed and asked how long it would take him to do it. His response, “Seriously?! They’d be done in less than five minutes.” NICE.

The guy at Documart was on the ball, and he didn’t charge a million dollars per copy, either. Hooray! Seriously. Three cheers for competent and kind printers!!

The Envelopes:

  • I used American Crafts Moda Bella craft paper
  • I designed a CD case template in Illustrator and cut it out with my handy dandy Silhouette
  • I hand addressed each envelope
  • I designed the circular PEN sticker to secure the envelope closed and cut it with the Silhouette

The CD:

  • I burned 4 of Penelope’s favorite dance songs to CD for attendees. They aren’t children’s songs, but they had clean lyrics (CD included: Calvin Harris, Discovery, Yeasayer and Hey Champ)
  • I designed the LISTEN sticker and cut it out with the Silhouette

The Invitation:

I was really excited how the invitations turned out, despite all of the setbacks. After I mailed them, it was like a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders! This invitation would’ve been much more labor intensive if I didn’t have the Silhouette to do half of the work for me. I love it! Stay tuned for Part II, the party!

Click here to read part II: The Party

Click here to read part III: The Thank Yous

Happy Easter Weekend, Folks!


Here are a few pictures of the Spring/Easter-themed cookies I made with my in-laws while visiting in Arizona last week. We had so much fun stamping out the cookie dough and frosting them. We used Williams Sonoma cookie cutters and decorative pens to make these cookies. Aren’t they just beautiful? They sat around the house for about two days before we ate them. That’s pretty impressive considering my sweet tooth!

I hope you all have a weekend full of candy, delicious food (maybe a vegetable or two), friends and most importantly, family.

Aren’t those greedy little fingers adorable?

Spritz Cookies


I’ve noticed something about myself. . . If I find a recipe somewhere other than in my three recipe books and I don’t blog about it, I lose it. I’m terrible at organizing my recipes. Lazy me. This recipe was, at one point, in the cookbook my mom compiled for us kids, but I lost it. I’ve called my sister twice now for the recipe. In my attempt to avoid calling my sister at awkward times (like 2am, perhaps?) I’m posting the recipe here.

I love spritz cookies. I have very fond memories of my mom making a million of these little cookies in assorted Christmas colors and in the cutest, petite shapes. They’re incredibly addicting and easy to make. I can’t tell you the excitement I felt when my mom gave me a cookie press for Christmas. There may have been an audible squeal. These cookies are divine when dipped in chocolate, topped with a melt-in-your-mouth lemon icing or just by themselves. Without any further Ado, here’s the recipe:

Spritz Cookies

no idea where this recipe came from– my mom?
makes about 70 cookies

  • 1 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

Cream butter, sugar and egg until smooth. Add milk, vanilla and almond. In a separate bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Gradually add flour mixture to wet ingredients. Mix until flour is incorporated. Use cookie press to form cookie shapes. Bake at 400º farenheit for 8 minutes. Cool and serve.

Download and print the recipe card by right clicking the image below.


{no} Labor Day


I LOVE Monday holidays. They’re such a great way to start out the week. Since I’ve been working partly full-time it was so great for a little R&R. I’m soin love with wedding blogs and party planning blogs I’ve been DYING to have a few festivities of my own. Monday provided the perfect opportunity to par-tay.

the spread

Our decorations were simple and cheap. Cheap as in practically zero dollars. Here’s how I decorated:

  • I refinished the green table (more on that later)
  • drilled some holes in the fence
  • draped some old curtains over the fence
  • hung some old cabinets
  • put up the bunting (in reverse) from Penelope’s birthday
  • draped a yellow table cloth over my craft desk

the food


All these things I had just lying around. I think what made it all unique was that I brought the inside, out. I think it worked really well. Dinner was really simple, too. We don’t have a grill (yet), so we did buffet-style burritos. I took care of the black beans (recipe courtesy of Cafe Johnsonia–Thank you!!), meat, drinks and dessert while everyone else chipped in with the rest. I cooked the black beans overnight and the chicken cooked all day in the crockpot. Basically, my work was all done for me. I also made Fraiche frozen yogurt with fresh peaches and Blackberry Lemon water (recipe to come). All of the fresh food was delicious and very easy to make.

the metal trays

In addition to dying to throw a party, I’d been wanting to use my new stainless steel vintage lunch trays. They were perfect for eating outside and on the ground. Did I mention each tray weighs as much as a toddler? They’re only for serious eaters.


We had a lot of fun. It was so great to socialize with my new friends Alma & Allison and their families. Blog stalking is the new way to make friends these days. Serious.

Mind Exploding Cupcake Recipe


My motivation for making the cupcake box was fueled largely because I was dying to experiment with a cupcake recipe I had floating around in my head. Despite my doubts at various times in the process, the cupcakes turned out mind-blowingly yummy. It took some effort, but not as much as a Christmas Yule log.

I had seen a blog post somewhere (it’s really too bad I don’t remember which blog I saw it on) about how Baskin Robbins serves ice cream in chocolate molded into cupcake cups. My mouth started salivating, I’m really on a chocolate kick right now. However, as much as I like chocolate, though, I really, REALLY hate eating chocolate chunks cold. THEN, my head started thinking about how easy it would be to use that idea for cupcakes.


Here’s what I did (I made 18 cupcakes):

  1. melt chocolate (dark) with a tablespoon or two of butter in a double boiler
  2. spoon chocolate into silicone cupcake cups and swirled it around until the cupcake cup was evenly coated
  3. refrigerate cups for a couple of hours
  4. make chocolate cake batter (from a box)
  5. spoon batter into a mini cupcake pan and bake according to box directions (all while chocolate cupcake cups are still in the fridge)
  6. boil a can of sweetened condensed milk in a pan for an hour and 15 minutes (directions on how to do this HERE)
  7. allow the caramelized milk and mini cupcakes to cool (overnight or in the fridge for a few hours)

Here’s how I assembled it:

  1. spoon the caramelized milk into a ziplock or pastry bag and pipe a tablespoon or two of caramel mixture into each cup
  2. place mini cupcakes inside and push down to spread caramel around
  3. frost with frosting
  4. place in the refrigerator to cool before serving
  5. eat at room temperature

How to make the Frosting:

  1. whip cream (1-2 cups) to stiff peak
  2. blend in blender or food processor a cup or two of coconut (to taste)
  3. fold coconut and 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar into whipped cream and pipe on top of cupcakes.


I thoroughly enjoyed the cupcakes (so did the rest of the Esplin clan). This cupcake was kind of a mash-up of three desserts that remind me of my childhood. The chocolate, caramel and coconut flavors remind me of my mother’s German Chocolate cake that she’d make for me every year for my birthday (my favorite), the whip cream, chocolate and caramel flavors remind me of my dad’s score cake (or better-than-sex cake). Yup, my dad cooks. He’s cool. The coconut and whip cream frosting reminds me of a Sunday dessert that my grandma Scott used to make often (oh how I miss her). So really, this cupcake is heaven for me because it reminds me of some of my favorite people and how much I love them.


I had some extra cake left over so I sliced some banana on top of the cake, frosted it and served it with a caramel sauce. This disappeared just as fast as the cupcakes did. I’ll definitely be repeating this in the future. MMM!

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