Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Penelope’s Dino Brunch


Saturday’s dino brunch plans went without a hitch! I had invited just her aunts & uncles over for a little brunch to celebrate her third birthday. A few aunts & uncles couldn’t make it so there were only 8 of us. It’s so much easier to plan a small party like that! So much easier, in fact, that I sorta went overboard. I mailed out invitations, made napkins with dinosaur decals on them, calligraphed place cards & made little favors. I was just so thrilled how everything turned out, I can’t help but be so excited to share it with all of you.



I Bet You Can’t Eat Just One


Rhodes Rolls asked me to bake up something using their rolls from a recipe of theirs (or my own) & share it on their blog. I love Rhodes rolls, so I was happy to oblige! Rhodes are my saving grace since I can’t make bread to save my life. Since I’ve blogged (and made) my favorite sticky buns before, I thought I’d try a new sweet bread. Rhodes’s Lemon Pull-Apart recipe is absolutely fantastic & super simple. I whipped it up in no time & it makes for the perfect sweet roll for spring.

I ate half the pan of rolls, I kid you not. They’re so delicious and worlds better than orange rolls, in my opinion. Click here to see the recipe with step by step photos & instructions. Thanks, Rhodes for having me on your blog today!

Spinach Smoothies


Way back when Chris & I were dating, one of Chris’s roommates offered me some of his disgusting-looking green smoothie. I asked what was in it & he simply replied, “Lots of spinach & fruit.” I bravely gave it a try & absolutely loved it. Gosh, it’s been somewhere around 5 years since then and now that we just bought a new blender and loads of spinach in the house, I’ve been thinking about making something similar.

Last week, I asked if any of you have spinach smoothie recipes & THANK YOU for all of the links, recipes & suggestions! It definitely got me going in the right direction. I didn’t follow any particular recipe for the smoothie I made this morning, but I took bits & pieces from all the recipes you suggested. I threw in pineapple, 100% pineapple juice, frozen 100% orange juice concentrate, a generous handful of spinach, frozen bananas and vanilla yogurt.

My first job (at 15) was working at Jamba Juice with my older sister. We had such a great time working together and it was there that I learned the secret to smoothie perfection: add liquids, solids THEN frozens in that order; a little bit of orange juice makes every smoothie wonderful and frozen fruit in lieu of ice cream or ice is the best way to thicken up a smoothie.

Penelope devoured the smoothie, as did I. It was so delicious. I just loved how Penelope kept chanting, “Mmm, dewishush!” (Mmm, delicious!) with every sip. I’m going to be making it again. I also think I’m going to make every excuse to use my blender, too. It’s awesome.

Thanks again to everyone who pointed me in the right direction for a delicious spinach smoothie!!

My Favorite Sticky Buns Recipe


This post is sponsored by Rhodes Rolls.

Gosh, nearly two months ago I was invited to a Rhodes Rolls blogger event where a bunch of us sassy ladies got together & dished while we learned about all the fun things we could do with their frozen bread. It was such a great time. I definitely learned a few new things about their dough: how to make a kaiser bun, how to make a flower sculpture & about Rhodes’s no fault policy – if their dough doesn’t work for you, they’ll gladly replace it for free! I have yet to make a kaiser bun, but I feel pretty awesome knowing that I can.

For me, Rhodes rolls reminds me of Sunday dinners, Christmas & birthdays. My mom started making sticky buns for Christmas (the most delicious dessert breakfast ever!) and now I make sticky buns for every birthday. They’re SO caramely & delicious. You’ve got to try it, if you haven’t yet! Here’s my mom’s recipe:

Sticky Buns

makes about 20 rolls (aka feeds 2 people ;))

  • 20 frozen rolls
  • 1 cube butter
  • 1/2 package butterscotch pudding mix (not instant)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • cinnamon, nutmeg & pecans

Spray bundt pan & drop in frozen rolls. Pour melted butter over rolls. Mix pudding, brown sugar, cinnamon & sprinkle over rolls. Sprinkle with pecans. Cover Loosely with foil, let stand 8 hours. Bake at 350º F for 25 minutes with foil on top. Remove foil & bake 5 more minutes. Let stand for about 5 minutes. Invert onto plate & serve.

Happy Birthday, Chris!


It was Chris’s birthday last weekend and boy did that one sneak up on me! We ended up celebrating his birthday all weekend long and it was great. At least I thought it was fun!

Friday we went out to dinner without Penelope (thanks to my sister & Groupon!), Saturday we partied & Chris helped me organize the house and last night we had a couple of close friends & Chris’s siblings over for dessert. It couldn’t have been more fun to just hang out & chat (and give away half of the CDs & books we’ve been meaning to sort/donate!).

I made a spicy pecan marshmallow cupcake for dessert They turned out pretty good, but the marshmallow frosting was really sloppy. I think I should’ve beat the frosting in my mixer rather than with my hand mixer so it would’ve set harder. Either way, they tasted yummy. I used Epicurious’s frosting recipe. Yum!

Chris is absolutely awesome. This weekend I’ve done a lot of thinking and I love this man so much! Here are a few things that make him awesome:

  • He’s hilarious
  • He remembers all sorts of funny things and makes them into memes (thanks ants = Thants. Thanks Melissa = Thalissa)
  • He has spectacular taste in music
  • He drives a motorcycle
  • He can dead lift 320lbs (or something like that, it’s a lot)
  • He knows exactly which buttons to push to make Penelope smiley & giggly
  • He’s good at his job
  • He has good taste in clothes
  • He’s smart with money
  • He’s creative
  • He’s my Mr. Fix-it
  • He can just “figure out” CSS
  • He makes me laugh
  • He gives me back rubs on demand

He’s a pretty great guy, hu?

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