Posts Tagged ‘word art’

New Designs at DHD


Here’s another shameless plug for all of the design work I’ve been doing.

The last few weeks I’ve been focusing a lot on hand-lettering. I named the collection Thesaurus, because each kit has eight different ways to say one thing. Here are a few of my favorites.

{oh, hello! kit: $1.99}

{so pretty! kit: $1.99}

{play with me! kit: $1.99}

{oh, baby! kit: $1.99}

{gee, thanks! kit: $1.99}

{oh, sweet! kit: $1.99}

Can you tell that I’m obsessed with cursive & calligraphy? Today is “release day” for this kit, so you can buy the entire collection here at 30% off ($6.99) for the next 24 hours.

I don’t design with an eye so much toward scrapbooking as toward general print applications.  This word art and the rest of my Digital Design House work is meant to be versatile enough to use on web pages, personal cards, silkscreens, iron-ons or anything decorative. I get a lot of inspiration from seeing my artwork in action, so let me know what you do with these kits! I’m a sucker for uploads to the flickr group and/or comments.

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