Last-minute Watercolor Class!


Sadly the watercolor class scheduled for Art Weekend was cancelled, but you haven’t missed the opportunity to learn it yet! Monday night from 7-9pm in SLC I’ll be teaching beginning watercolor. You’ll learn all sorts of awesome stuff about materials and about how to make rad watercolors for your own home.

Let’s be honest, this is not going to be your grandma’s or your kindergartener’s watercolor class. We won’t be playing with saran wrap or salt; we’ll be getting down to the nitty gritty of actual painting. You know you want to come. The class is $20 + $17 materials fee. Comment or use the contact form to let me know if you’re interested. I hope to see you there!

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    1. What is the exact date? This coming Monday?

    2. Emily says:

      i wish i could make a quick day trip to SLC from SF for this! i just decided to want to do more (or any) watercolor painting and this would be a perfect class for me!

      let us know if you ever come to SF!

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